28n, 7rum, 7stw decisions (7rm falls far behind)


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2018
going by 3 choices, which could possible have longer throat life to give you more rounds before replacing the consumable? i know it varies, but would all give within the same amount of rounds?

i like the 28n due to case being shorter when using cip mags (3.850) to seat bullet out further.

the 7rum (to me) has a slight disadvantage over the 7stw as capacity being the culprit (not necessarily a bad thing)

7stw having close to the same case volume as the 28n has me on the possible choice?

those who has shot 1 or more of these cartridges weigh in your experience(s).

wouldn't all 3 be a "barrel burner" of less than 1k or 800 rounds? i don't want to try and get a 4"+ mag necessarily as action work will be needed(?). just trying to decide on or if i would add another 7 to my only 2 i have so far (7-08rem & 7saum). the 7rm doesn't give much more power than the 7saum is why the inquiry.
I personally like the 28 Nosler, and have one. The saami spec chamber is pretty good, and as long as you are not hindered by a short magazine (mine allows 3.65" or slightly over) then you can take advantage of the saami spec chamber.

In my opinion, the only drawback to the 28N is the case capacity. It's almost too much for certain powders, such as Retumbo for example, when shooting heavy bullets. Heavy projectiles need a slower burning powder to get max velocity and fill the case up.

I consider all of the three you listed as barrel burners. However, mine shoots really well with 166 A-Tips and 175 VLD's.
Those are both great cartridges. A friend's dad shoots a 7 SAUM, has taken game up to about 400 lbs. But the 7-08 will do it also, IMO.

I would consider the 300 WSM also.
I have 30cals in 300bo, 308win and 300wm, so I'm good on 30's. Might do a 300saum rather than the wsm as it would be in another ar. Just trying to find a larger 28cal that'll add 200fps+ over the 7saum. I'd like to do a switch barrel/lug type 1 day. Trying to decide on a Barrett mrad as switching barrels would be easy. Finding out mag lengths before going that direction has been difficult. Using the long action for short mags would be an easy button.
I have 30cals in 300bo, 308win and 300wm, so I'm good on 30's. Might do a 300saum rather than the wsm as it would be in another ar. Just trying to find a larger 28cal that'll add 200fps+ over the 7saum. I'd like to do a switch barrel/lug type 1 day. Trying to decide on a Barrett mrad as switching barrels would be easy. Finding out mag lengths before going that direction has been difficult. Using the long action for short mags would be an easy button.

Barrett is pretty much not going to happen for me as I'm going broke building a new home/shop to retire to...and mostly because I like to build my own firearms, although that would be one nice rifle to have...who knows one day you *MAY* even find that Barrett offers a 7BC to their chamber lineup.😏

The reason I mentioned the 300 WSM is that it gets close to 300 WM velocity in a short action, but since you have 300 WM it's moot.

When you say +200 fps, what size bullet? I like to shoot 150s in my 308 these days. I have some 180 grain CX bullets I haven't tried yet. I have 150s I like. And therein lies the dilemma for me...I have a couple boxes of 150 CX, a couple boxes of 180 CX as well as 168 and 175 grain lead (I can't use for hunting, I can only shoot intruders before they retreat!). FWIW, I feel 300bo is the best home defense cartridge, in subsonic. It is pretty much the only time I shoot subsonic. Supersonic is ok for pigs, but 100-200 yards is the max "I" would trust it for. Pigs have that thick shield on the boars. How much game will I be able to harvest? I will use most of my handloads to practice with.

Your 30 cals will handle all game in NA. Do you just want a different caliber? 7 WSM ? It'll get you over 3000 fps with a 150-160 grain bullet. It's a bit faster than 7 SAUM, but the chance of ever finding 7 WSM ammo is probably an oxymoron, so you'd be limited to reloading. Just keep that in mind. For me, it doesn't matter unless it's a SHTF scenario, otherwise I only shoot my own reloads. But you have what you need for SHTF, in fact you have 3 of the more popular rounds. 300bo, purely because there are so many AR-15s, and there's a lot of them in the real world. 300bo was painful in the beginning, getting the gas systems working correctly.

And also you have 300 WM, although you'll need your pickup to haul it...LOL To it's credit, you'll be getting 14 mpg, which is about 50% more than my '97 F-SuperDuty gets! 😏
28 would get the nod for me out of the three. Always wanted an STW but I think those days have passed me by. Hit me up if you want a deal on a 28 😁😁😁😁. Got an unfired one and the chambering never really excited me.
What I'd end up getting is 300wm or so for a base rifle and get a custom barrel in a different cartridge.

My 300bo was built for 110-150gr. 308win uses 135-180's and wm uses 170-230's. All weight decisions based on barrel lengths. Having a 28" 7saum gets the Berger 197's over 2,800 and close to 2,900 fps. The 7-08 and 7saum are both AR's. Trying to build more ba's. With proof, straightjacket and a few others offering mrad's gives it more flexibility.

300wm 30" 9t barrel is for 210-230grs
26" 10t for 180-210
24" 9.25t for 170-210

Issues with the mrad is barrel length offerings.

If there's only a 100fps gain i don't feel it's worth the minum difference. I don't hunt, just build and shoot for fun.
7mm rums probably closer to 700, guessing another hundred or more rounds from the 28 nosler. 7 stw was hot when 8mm brass was all over, be a tough sell now. Price of retumbo and similar powders being what they are barrels probably the cheaper than the components to burn any of them...
Thinking the 28 is too large does not make sense to me. I have a .338 RUM necked to 7mm. I run IMR7828 under HHT 132 in a 26" barrel. It runs over 3,600 fps.
there are other cases that are larger than 28n for sure. 7-338lm and 7-300nm comes to mind. saying the 264wm is a barrel burner is subjective as i've put over 2,500 rounds thru a pre64 ('61 model) and it still shoots under 1moa before retiring it 10 years ago. i would like to get at least 1k before barrel replacement. i'd probably be shooting 20-25% of that just on testing?

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