Ah, I was wondering what happened to the tools since he parted ways with the last outfit. Sweet little setup, how do you like it compared to the 45 raptor?

I've shot variations of a 458 wsm in an ironsighted featherweight... and it was stout.
Ah, I was wondering what happened to the tools since he parted ways with the last outfit. Sweet little setup, how do you like it compared to the 45 raptor?

I've shot variations of a 458 wsm in an ironsighted featherweight... and it was stout.
I know it's bad, but I haven't even been able to squeeze the trigger yet. I love my Raptor, so the B&M better be ready to fight.
I think the super shorts land in a range only a bit north of a 4570, it's the shorts on the wsm that can really wallop. Bore efficiency combined with decent pressure gets them moving fast. Lots of time the temptation is to keep a light compact rifle as well.

In my case I'm trying to make an optimized bear rifle for my wife, have a decent idea of her tolerance to recoil and what weight and size of rifle gets left at home. Had settle on a b m super short but took way to long to find a donot rifle and about the same time I did the ssk deal fell apart. Fall back has been the 45 raptor but most guys on a push feed go mag box from feeding issues. Other option was on a kimber 84 but the outfit that does the conversion is about quadruple the normal going rate for a rebarrel...

The wsm based and in this case saum based versions would definitely be a step up in horsepower.