Hello from NM/Whittington Area

Long time viewer of the forum and much longer time LR/ELR shooter and hunter.
Welcome to LRH, and enjoy! I was stationed at Kirtland ABQ from 1996-2000 but never made it to the facility on your Avatar. I have seen some impressive videos from that facility. One of my favorites was from a guy (sorry, I cannot remember his name) who did it with a .45-120 (IIRC ???) open sight on a metal silhouette target 1400 yards (IIRC ???) away with an iron sight and hit it twice. He pulls the trigger and then looks through his spotting scope, and a few seconds later, the most awesome hit sound occurs.


His name is Dave Gullo. I saw some of his newer videos but cannot find the old video I was referring to.

I found it ...

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Welcome to LRH from southern Arizona.

Been to the Whittington Center twice, I think it was 94 and 96, or 93 and 95, one or the other. My dad took my brother and me to the NRA High Power Rifle Methalic Silhouette Championships, those were some fun shooting matches. Definitely need to go back, and also take my son when he starts shooting silhouette.