Nf 4-20 vs nf 4-32


Well-Known Member
Jul 8, 2014
Baggs, wy
Looking for a new scope for a new hunting build. Kicking around these 2 scopes. Can you guys give me some pro and cons between the 2? I haven't ran a nf in about 20 years.
Thanks Bryan
I don't know about the 4-32 but I know the 4-20 tunnels. I am not sure exactly where it stops but I want to say 5.5x or so. If it was a true 4-20 I would own several.
The 4-32 power NX8 is great. And as Rizzo mentioned, I have had no eyebox issues. I think if you get your cheek weld right you won't have issues. I highly recommend the NX8 if you have the means. I am about to snag up my 4th.
I have 4 make that 5 with my wife's ATACR I have never had an eye box issue when I set up my cheek weld properly I can always lay down or hit the bench and quickly pick up my targets. I have tried several others but always return to NF.
Just my two cents as we all know opinions are like as%$ holes everybody has one. Some have more hahahaha.
Good luck on your choice
Buy once cry once!
ATACR 4-16 is 30 oz
ATACR 4-20 is 36 oz
NX8 is 29 oz

The ATACR is better glass, slightly better eyebox but heavier. The only reason to get the NX8 is weight savings. I run the NX8 to make weight and its still 8 oz heavier than I'd like.
I have both and the bigger and smaller versions.

I prefer the NX8 in every way. Can't say it enough. If everyone would just take the Tenebrex covers off the ocular ring, it opens the site picture and eye box HUGE. Not even the same scope.
And I honestly think the NX8 glass is on par with the 5-25 ATACR. So not as good as the 4-16 or 7-35, but close.
The NX8 in my opinion is the best hunting scope to date.
I took the Tenaebrex covers off my 2.5-20 NX8s and no more tunnel vision. Looks better too if you ask me.
That is different. When a scope tunnels you will not get an increase in FOV beyond a certain level. So if a 4-20 scope tunnels between 4 and 6 power, for example, it is essentially a 6-20 scope.
