Duck hunter shot and killed in Spakleberry Swamp

Bubba round tree has a YouTube channel from SC.
He does a lot of buckshot reloading and hunting with dogs and buckshot.
We had two younger guys in UT.
That one of them shot his cousin or friend in the leg with a 3" steel shot load walking out or in from a duck hunt.
Any way the news article said it was from a miss fire.
I wrote back saying it wasn't a misfire the gun functioned exactly as designed.
The guy should not have had his finger on the trigger or pointed at something he didn't intend to destroy.
To many people not paying attention or thinking about what it is they're doing. theses things are not accidents they are negligence.
I'm sorry for the family's loss.
That's as bad as the bear hunter with hounds.
No, the bear hunter did it to himself being that close to a treed bear getting shot. His dumb meter had to be pegged out.
No, the bear hunter did it to himself being that close to a treed bear getting shot. His dumb meter had to be pegged out.
I would lay the blame on the shooter. According to how the article was written. I don't think a shot should have been fired till everyone was clear.

"The group had treed a bear, and most of the other hunters stepped away from the base of the tree as one of the hunters took a shot."
Bubba round tree has a YouTube channel from SC.
He does a lot of buckshot reloading and hunting with dogs and buckshot.
We had two younger guys in UT.
That one of them shot his cousin or friend in the leg with a 3" steel shot load walking out or in from a duck hunt.
Any way the news article said it was from a miss fire.
I wrote back saying it wasn't a misfire the gun functioned exactly as designed.
The guy should not have had his finger on the trigger or pointed at something he didn't intend to destroy.
To many people not paying attention or thinking about what it is they're doing. theses things are not accidents they are negligence.
I'm sorry for the family's loss.
Couldn't agree more. One of the first things I go over as an instructor is manipulation of the safety and keeping your finger out of the trigger guard if the gun is not on or coming to the shoulder and you intend to fire. Of course we cover be sure of your target and what is behind it as all of that goes hand in hand.
Sparkleberry swamp ?
Yes. Sparkleberry is at the upper end of Lake Marion. I haven't been in there in 15 years but at one time it was a maze of trails barely wide enough to pass boats in thru cypress trees. GPS ruined the hunting in there because then every rubberhead in the world could get around without getting lost. It would take years to learn it before that. The place was beautiful. It was like hunting in a cathedral. Now it's chock full of loud mud motors and people racing on Risers Lake.

Any news on this accident has just said it happened in Clarendon county.

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