Hunting opportunities at Ft. Bliss-,New Mexico and Texas

wildcat westerner

Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2009
I am seeking information about hunting on the Ft. Bliss area in both New Mexico and Texas. A friend of mine has a controlled hunt for Oryx there and I have just learned that Babary sheep can also be hunted. I know there is a statewide license for Barbary sheep in New Mexico and do not know whether this license would be valid on Ft. Bliss or not. I do not know if there is even a license for hunting Barbary in Texas, and do not know whether these animals can be hunted on the Texas portion of Ft. Bliss or not.
To this point I have not received concrete and accurate information in this regard and would appreciate any and all correct information interested parties may share with me in this matter.

Thank you in advance,

The vast majority of Ft Bliss is located in New Mexico, AKA White Sands Missile Range, McGreagor Range, etc.....
A New Mexico Dept of Game and Fish hunting proclamation should prove to be a wealth of info

Thanks for this very good informative information. I figure I have a year to sort out this info as to hunting Barbary on public land in Texas near the New Mexican border.

Aha, I had no idea! In your opinion, can hunting opportunities be attained in that area without paying an expensive guide?

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