Got ‘em Bedded 🦌 New Absolute Tipped Bullet


Well-Known Member
Dec 7, 2021

Steve shot this bedded mule deer buck with the new 105 Absolute Hammer Tipped bullet out of a 6.5 PRC.
Here is his field report, "We ranged the buck at 260 yards. We waited for the does to mill around and clear out, and when he had a clear shot, he sent one right into the boiler room. The buck jumped up, and took about 10 steps before crashing. I could tell he was hit good, by the way his right front leg just kinda dangled.
Necropsy revealed a perfect heart shot. The bullet entered his near shoulder, and sheared the great vessels off the top of his heart. It then exited the far shoulder. When he was bedded, his front leg was farther back covering his vitals than would be when he was standing, and he must have been leaning to his left a little because the entrance is lower than the exit. I couldn't find a drop of blood, or an entry or exit wound in the field. His near shoulder was completely shattered. Both the entrance and exit in the hide were barely big enough for my finger tip. I didn't find any petals or evidence that they exited the hide. Both lungs had a golf ball sized hole in them, and there was essentially zero bloodshot meat. Impact velocity was about 2850 fps. It didn't liquefy the lungs and turn them into chowder like some other hammers, but it worked great."
Congratulations on an awesome deer. Thanks for sharing your hunt and field report.
i shot a deer @210yds shoulder shot with hammer 101gr 7mm08 drt
pm me if you want to discuss loads for that one. I have shot deer with same 7-08 and 101 HH and impressive f sure. just wondering loads and velocities you are getting
thanks snt