Great info, I will look into a 7LRM again now that I know there is good brass, no way I was touching it with Hornady brass. It seems like just about perfect for a 7mm to me. I have (2) 28N and both are 26", 175/180's at 3100 is easy, very easy. Retumbo, 568, 570, RL26 and RL33 all get there in my rifles. Both mine load longer than 3.6" though, never messed with one at 3.34" and no idea why anyone would handicap it by doing so. My belted magnum experience is primarily 300WM and I haven't ever had issues with the belt or sizing, pushing it hard enough to open up primer pockets in 4 loadings, I think stretching the shoulder forward on the first fire form is the key but I have been wrong before. Having had no issues with it I thought the 7-300 made sense, and having hundreds of extra 300WM brass makes me think about it even harder. I wouldn't mind having another few hundred rounds of barrel life over the 28's.