Brass trimmer recommendations


Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2022
Looking at purchasing a new trimming unit. Im aware of the high dollar ones but not sure if I wanna drop that kind of cheddar. I've seen little crow and a couple other ones that don't brake the bank. Love to hear everyone's experiences and recommendations. Thanks
Looking at purchasing a new trimming unit. Im aware of the high dollar ones but not sure if I wanna drop that kind of cheddar. I've seen little crow and a couple other ones that don't brake the bank. Love to hear everyone's experiences and recommendations. Thanks
Manual operation or electric, and how many different cartridges?
Looking at purchasing a new trimming unit. Im aware of the high dollar ones but not sure if I wanna drop that kind of cheddar. I've seen little crow and a couple other ones that don't brake the bank. Love to hear everyone's experiences and recommendations. Thanks
FYSA, here's my initial review of the FA. Are you just looking for a case trimmer or prep center/unit?


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I went with the Hornady, mostly because I found a smoking deal on one. It already comes with multipe bushings for most calibers. I think I only had to buy one additional bushing for the many different calibers I load for. Adjustments are easy. Electric is so much faster and less tedious than manually doing it. The unit has worked very well for the past four years.
I've got a WFT I use for my 7mm Rem Mag. And a Lyman trimmer that I use with my cordless drill. It takes seeing up everyone I change cartridges but that is easy and it does a great job. I don't load in large quantities much, usually only a couple hundred at a time after I find my load for a particular rifle.

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