I can tell you how to accursed your Ruger.
For it to work, you must do it exactly like this. I did this full time turning many Rugers into phenomenal shooters. Including my own 25-06.
First, open the barrel channel and remove the pressure point, if a wooden stock.
Change the trigger, I used Timney, but any good quality trigger will do.
If the stock is wood, buy the Brownell's pillar bedding kit, you bed this TIGHT with no reliefs, use all thread rods, turned aluminium cones to centre everything and bed the front pillar first, then the tang after the front one has cured. I did them together, but I had fixtures to keep everything level.
After this, bed the ENTIRE action in the stock, remove the trigger assembly, fill all voids and make dams where you don't want the epoxy to go. Bed EVERYTHING!
Make sure the action sits level in the stock.
Lastly, bed under the chamber on the barrel, this can be done while bedding the rest, but often gets better results doing it last.
You want a completely stress free bedding, DO NOT tighten ANY screws while bedding, use screws as guides, then strap the action onto the stock with surgical tubing.
Follow normal bedding directions using release agent and all bedding instruction.
If successful, the action will be tight in the stock, but not so much that it is difficult to remove.
The reason wooden stocked Rugers behave inaccurate is because the 60° angle of the front screw allows the wood to compress under recoil, bedding, and aluminium pillars stop this DEAD.