Well-Known Member
- Knights Armament Taupe 34mm 20moa P/N 25284. Very good condition. (SOLD)
- Nightforce ultramount in dark earth 30mm 20moa 1.54" P/N A682. Mounted for 5 mins, didn't like the look of it. Basically new in package. $265 shipped
- Vortex pro series 34mm 0moa. Came as a spare with a gun I bought a while back. I've never used it, I believe it's new. (SOLD)
- Gen 2 Cronus 4.5x-29x56 MRAD with the APRS6 reticle. Vortex 1.26" PMR rings. Butler creek caps, MKM parallax wheel and oem throw lever. Package deal only, I have way too many extra rings/mounts sitting around as it is. Glass is clean and clear in excellent condition. The scope body has 2 dings (pictured) on top of the bell, purely cosmetic. Butler caps cover one of them. $1185 shipped
Prices are shipped to the lower 48 only. PayPal or Venmo for payment.
- Nightforce ultramount in dark earth 30mm 20moa 1.54" P/N A682. Mounted for 5 mins, didn't like the look of it. Basically new in package. $265 shipped
- Vortex pro series 34mm 0moa. Came as a spare with a gun I bought a while back. I've never used it, I believe it's new. (SOLD)
- Gen 2 Cronus 4.5x-29x56 MRAD with the APRS6 reticle. Vortex 1.26" PMR rings. Butler creek caps, MKM parallax wheel and oem throw lever. Package deal only, I have way too many extra rings/mounts sitting around as it is. Glass is clean and clear in excellent condition. The scope body has 2 dings (pictured) on top of the bell, purely cosmetic. Butler caps cover one of them. $1185 shipped
Prices are shipped to the lower 48 only. PayPal or Venmo for payment.
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