Do you hunt from home?

Yepā€¦been "hunting" from my backyard for over a decade now. Have a feeder set up @ 200 yards from my back door. I lay a shooting mat down in the yard behind a small camouflaged blind (with a hole cut in it to allow barrel/scope clearance) and I'll lay there and wait on 'em. Sometimes I'm REALLY lazy and just watch from inside the house until I see something I like and then I'll have to slip outside without being seen and "low crawl" to the blind/shooting mat. šŸ¤£
I like the cut of your jib.
After a trip to the shooting range I was talking w my father about how hunting has changed, the technology, and the travel involved.

Anyway we were wondering how many folks get to hunt from the house anymore? Sleep in your own bed set an alarm and go hunting. It seems with guys chasing the best perceived unit, out of state guys, and heck even front "rangers" setting up camps that it is getting less and less as in my fathers day they never traveled to hunt.. Now I am lucky as most of my scouting/hunting is from home w overnights and 2 nights mixed in there. Or almost everything I hunt is a hour or 2 from the front door even if ya count the hike, dirt bike, side by side, or jeep to approach.

So how many of you guys sleep in your own bed and hunt from your house? Does not matter what ya hunt just wondering how many folks get to hunt like this and what ya are hunting?
We got a future scammer boys and girlsā€¦

Sorry to waste all your time with the welcome posts to new members.

We got a future scammer boys and girlsā€¦

Sorry to waste all your time with the welcome posts to new members.

Well, I guess it wasn't a total wasteā€¦ā€¦we now know everyone's sleeping habits! šŸ˜ memtb
Cut324 I can, but it would be pretty poor hunting most of the timeā€¦..maybe a Mule Deer or the occasional Whitetail.

Best chance of success would be a few upland birds, ducks and geese. I guess that I could apply for a Sandhill Crane, there's a few that spend most of the year very near the houseā€¦..just never been interested.

Oh, lots of coons availableā€¦..just not high on the list for table fare! šŸ˜

We prefer to load up the camper, go about 80 miles, set-up camp and spend about 3 weeks living with pretty much everything Wyoming has to offer for game! It's nice to get away from home occasionally! memtb
You know they call sandhill crane ribeye from the sky might wanna give it a try!
After a trip to the shooting range I was talking w my father about how hunting has changed, the technology, and the travel involved.

Anyway we were wondering how many folks get to hunt from the house anymore? Sleep in your own bed set an alarm and go hunting. It seems with guys chasing the best perceived unit, out of state guys, and heck even front "rangers" setting up camps that it is getting less and less as in my fathers day they never traveled to hunt.. Now I am lucky as most of my scouting/hunting is from home w overnights and 2 nights mixed in there. Or almost everything I hunt is a hour or 2 from the front door even if ya count the hike, dirt bike, side by side, or jeep to approach.

So how many of you guys sleep in your own bed and hunt from your house? Does not matter what ya hunt just wondering how many folks get to hunt like this and what ya are hunting?
I typically hunt mule deer, bear and cougar this way. It's a 35 minute drive from my house to my spot in the hills. As I get older, I really enjoy my own bed each night.
Coyotes I typically just shoot from my 2nd floor bedroom window šŸ˜‰
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I hunt national forest in my hometown usually. I set an alarm for 4am, out the door by 4:30, truck is parked and I'm in my hunting clothes and starting to hike in by 5am. By 6am I'm usually at my first spot of the day. However, I can tell you that a lot of PA guys come down here to hunt in WV. This year wasn't too good for us local people due to the fact that you couldn't even find a place to pull off the road hardly from all the out of state hunters. I drove through the access road multiple times and in-state residents were easily outnumbered by atleast 8-to-1 by PA hunters. They definitely have the advantage as the out of state guys can literally just step of their camper. I was hiking in 2.5 miles to just get away from all the orange vests and there were still some days they would walk in after lunch and set up less than 200yds from me. I'm going to be doing a lot of work to get set up on a lease or some private land for this upcoming year.
It's not my favorite hunting, but it depends. Some 40 years ago, on the last day of the season, my brother and I passed 2, 4 point Muleys in our alfalfa field as we left to hunt public land in the hills 20 miles away. Didn't see a deer. Went home and passed those bucks in the field again and put up our guns for the season. It didn't feel sporting. Another season, I shot my first archery buck in the middle of an alfalfa field in sight of our house. It was a challenge. 2 weeks ago the family got together for an elk hunt 40 miles away. We got skunked but it was nice! Yesterday, on our walk in the hills back of the house my wife and I saw 23 elk. A couple of weeks ago our dog tangled with a bear on our property while on our daily walk. I couldn't see them so fired a shot in the air with my 357. The bear left, the dog was OK. Tomorrow I'm going bear hunting at home.
Within an hours drive from my place I've hunted deer (mule deer & whitetail), elk, wolf, yote, turkey, pheasant, chukar, grouse and quail. My eldest son and I hunt grouse every Thanksgiving, we drive for maybe 35-40 minutes to get to timber and into birds!

What is available within that hour is all the above PLUS moose, pronghorn, bear, Mt. Lion, sand hills, bunnies, Hungarian Partridge, dove, waterfowl of all manner of flight (not a duck/goose) hunter, marmots and sage rats for fun! With that being said, we travel 3-4 hours to escape the crowds for big game!
I hunt from from our house on the property when I can get away for a weekend, doesn't happen as often these days due to kids & sports. However, it's only a 45 minute drive so I can sneak down most morning or afternoons & still be back for family obligations. Not going to lie though it's very nice to roll out of bed when I'm there & hit the woods instead of driving over, that extra hour of sleep helps.