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Benchmark carbons on sale. Huge selection


Official LRH Sponsor
Oct 8, 2009
Waucoma, IA
Check out the huge selection of Benchmark carbons on the shelf. Straight up hammers and you don't have to wait 12-14 months.

Dealers/Rifle Builders give me a shout as well for quantity discounts etc.

Barrels are $725 shipped. Retail is $825

6mm 7.5 tw sendero light 22" finish
25 cal 7.5 tw sendero light 22" finish
25 cal 7.5 tw sendero light 24" finish
6.5 cal 7.5 tw sendero light 20" finish
6.5 cal 7.5 tw sendero light 22" finish
6.5 cal 7.5 tw sendero light 24" finish
7mm 8.0 tw sendero light 20" finish
7mm 8.0 tw sendero light 22" finish
7mm 8.0 tw sendero light 24" finish
30 cal 9.0 tw sendero light 20" finish
30 cal 9.0 tw sendero light 22" finish
30 cal 9.0 tw sendero light 24" finish
30 cal 9.0 tw sendero light 26" finish
30 cal 10.0 tw sendero light 22" finish
30 cal 10.0 tw sendero light 24" finish
30 cal 9.0 tw SENDERO 1.250 shank 24" finish
30 cal 9.0 tw SENDERO 1.250 shank 26" finish
30 cal 8.5 tw SENDERO 1.250 shank 24" finish
30 cal 8.5 tw SENDERO 1.250 shank 26" finish

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