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Estate reloading room


Well-Known Member
May 5, 2021
A local man has passed and his wife wants to move ALL of his reloading equipment with a "one price for all" sale.
Lots of good low use equipment along with lots of powders, primers, brass, dies and ammo… mostly bulk 308 / 7.62 ball and 5.56 ball in ammo cans.
Same for pistol in 380, 9, 45 and 38 spcl.
MEC shotgun loader and primer/ powder and tools also.
Several like new or never used presses. Lee Turret, Redding Turret, RCBS Rock Chuck, Forster and maybe another Lee standard press.

The big one is the Dillon!

Anyone know what a "like new" Dillon Super 1050 is worth?
I didn't see all the gadgets that may come with it.
I don't know if I'll need that much loading power so I'd probably sell it and just curious of the value.

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