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SOLD/EXPIRED Rear Bag and a couple Mags


Well-Known Member
Jan 21, 2018
SE Mich
Looking for a couple things before I go out and buy new:

- Rear bag - Game Changer Schmedium or similar (standard or heavy weight)
- Hawkins Hunter SA magazine - 308 size
- MDT 3rd metal mag for WSM/PRC

Buy outright or I have some trade fodder (+/- cash):
- 25cal expander mandrels (.254/.255/.256)
- 6.5mm bullets
- 90ct 140gr berger hybrids
- 89ct 130gr berger target
- 385ct (approx) 147gr Hornady ELDM (seconds)
- 7mm bullets
- 190gr Atips (seconds); will have to verify count but a few hundred, probably over 400​
- The "Answer" rear bag (very lightly used, looks new)

Let me know, be prepared to provide unique pictures to weed out the scammers.

I can do PP/Venmo or cash/check
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I also have a wiebad fortune cookie. I'd sell either one or both.