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Left Hand Long Action Magnum Action that is Pre-fit supported


Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2012
I am thinking of having a rifle built & I am wrestling with which direction to go. I'd like the forum's advice.
The chambering will probably be either 7PRC, (70% chance), or 300 PRC,(30% chance.) I am invested in both already & Hornady has not rolled out the .338 PRC yet so it's either 7 or 30 cal.

I have a suppressor & will shoot this rifle suppressed 99% of the time. Never is an absolute, & things tend to happen, but I do not intend to shoot unsuppressed.

1. Left hand
2. Long Action, MBF
3. Uses Pre-fits that are common.

I already have an AG Composites stock on hand & have been studying on the following actions: all are LA, LH, MBF

1. Kelbly Prometheus/ Nanook
2. Terminus Zeus
3. Bighorn TL3
4. ARC Coup De Grace
5. Impact 777/ NBK
6. Kelbly Atlas

Hunting rifle primarily with fair amount of range usage.

Which action would you go with?
What other actions did I overlook?
What trigger?

Thank You In Advance
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