Class's in/near Oregon

Jul 3, 2023
Looking for what classes are out there near oregon (cottage grove) even if it's up in Washington preferably not more than a 4ish hour drive. Been shooting long range for a bit but would like to get better and be comfortable taking game out to 700-800 yards
Here is some info for Yakima, Washington area.
Those are the guys I was checking out but seemed like they didn't have the course I was looking for on there calender besides what they've already done this year, might email them or something
Pretty sure there's a couple in eastern oregon. None I've been to (though I've wanted to go)
There are two that I know of. I haven't attended them but one is geared toward law enforcement. The other on Boise area is geared towards hunters. Looks like the one in CO is geared towards hunters. But I don't know the instructors. I'd rather get known instructors if I spending the money.