I got my first ever elk!!!!

Congratulations Calvin. Happy for you. I love elk meat, but have to admit that I have not shot my first one yet. I get serious about antelope and deer every year, then I look at my freezers and and ask myself where it would go. So I pass a lot of cows and young bulls, waiting for the monster. Processing your own is the best way to go too.
Bulls are nice, Look good on wall, make knife handles, and buttons. But the Antlers don't Eat worth a **** and make poor soup! 😂😂 Cows on the other hand, EAT Very Well. Little Waste even the hoof's make good Dog chews! And just as nicely, fill freezer!💕👍
Just thought I'd share my successful hunt. Got drawn for either sex elk in zone 43 here in Saskatchewan…and scored on the opening day of the season, September 15!!!!

It's no trophy specimen, but it's a full grown bull elk and holy smokes I didn't realize just how much meat is on one of these things! I'm a happy (but sore and tired) camper. My family will eat well this winter and I'm so thankful to have been blessed in this way.

225 eld m out of a .300 win mag, 2760 fps, hit him twice at 320 yards (ranged after he was already down haha). The second shot was totally not needed at all but I've heard so many stories about how tough these things can be, he was still standing, so I hit him again. First shot was a broadside chest hit, and man let me tell you there is no better sound than that BOOM….THWACK! Combo that lets you know you made a solid hit. He staggered and wobbled immediately and swung his head back and forth, sort of like I might if I had taken a hard punch and was trying to stay on my feet but very rocked. The second hit he was quartering toward me and I shoulder punched him and he went down like a sack of hammers. The eldm had no trouble smashing and penetrating the shoulder joint and absolutely grenading in the vitals. This combo keeps on proving to be a death ray for deer and now elk as well.

I must say, I haven't had "buck fever" like that since I was a 13 year old on my first whitetail hunt and a saw a spike buck come out of the bush! 🤣🤣🤣. I was calm and collected when I pulled the trigger…but once he was down and staying down and I knew this was for real MY FREAKING HANDS WOULDNT STOP SHAKING for like 20 minutes! A good feeling, but very intense. I haven't felt that in a long time, it reminded me I'm alive.

Here's some pics, just an ordinary critter (and we don't get the rocky mountain type monsters here in flatland quite the same) but I'm so happy about it!!!
Awesome job Calvin!!! Congrats!!!!
Thank you for sharing your story, I felt like I was standing behind you as it all unfolded. I think we all understand the adrenaline rush that comes with hunting. I loved "I haven't felt that in a long time, it reminded me I'm alive." That's a big part of why we all have such a passion for hunting! Thanks for the inspirational reminder!