300 Win mag brass swell

To be perfectly honest here, I do not see any inclinations on the brass that there was excessive pressure at all, primer edges are rounded nicely, brass does not appear over expanded nor does it have swipes or other 'brass' issues.
Have you measured an unfired case above the belt?
Have you measured a fired case above/at the expansion line?
It has been my experience that some brass expands more at the expansion line than others, however, in a REM 700 this is rare and it may be another issue all together.
Is your chamber clean and free of oil or cleaning solvent? This would cause heavy bolt lift.

MagnumManiac I measured the outside diameter of the fired and un-fired brass. Both measured the exact same. I did clean the rifle really well and made sure no excess solvent was left over. I did shoot federal premiums out of it with no issues. I have not shot the Barnes bullets out of it again. I am pretty hesitant to shoot the Barnes again.

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