Is powder touch sensitive?

I start every day by shooting at a gong at 906 yards or a rock at 1047. Today's shot was at 906 - was 2" high and 1/2 MOA left - now I know why: I use my fingers to trickle. If I had used a tweezer it would have been dead center. Wait...that happened yesterday.

Seriously, I have been using my finger for decades. Keep them clean and I can't imagine it is an issue.
I start every day by shooting at a gong at 906 yards or a rock at 1047. Today's shot was at 906 - was 2" high and 1/2 MOA left - now I know why: I use my fingers to trickle. If I had used a tweezer it would have been dead center. Wait...that happened yesterday.

Seriously, I have been using my finger for decades. Keep them clean and I can't imagine it is an issue.

Ya……ya gotta know where that finger's been! 😉 memtb

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