Just loaded my first Hammer....concerned.

I've loaded and shot Barnes for 40 plus years, they are nothing like the Hammer line, two totally different critters.

Welll…….yes and no. I was referring to the grooves only! Heck, the grooves may not even be shaped identically…..but there are grooves! memtb
View attachment 600635I just loaded my first Hammer HHT, and I am concerned about the case mouth not being supported by the bullet as well as neck only making contact on two narrow rings of the bullet. Seems as though the rounds will be very sensitive to rough use, or recoil while I'm the gun.
Just saw this, so I'm a bit late to the party. If it isn't already said, I generally don't pay much attention to where the case mouth sits as long as I have at least two points of contact in the case neck. You are worried about it you can put a bit of a crimp on where you are currently seated.
Only 2 contact points is normal for a HHT bullet. If you try a HH bullet you will probably be able to get 3 points of contact. I generally prefer the HH for that reason. Factory FL dies likely give you plenty of neck tension (some say interference fit). Measure the neck diameter of a recently FL sized case, and then measure the same case with a bullet fully seated. The difference between the 2 measurements is what your "neck tension" is.

FWIW - most Hammer shooters seem to prefer some level of crimp. Personally, I'm not one of them but you can't ignore the opinion of the majority.
FWIW I generally don't crimp. I might be in the minority too! LOL!
View attachment 600635I just loaded my first Hammer HHT, and I am concerned about the case mouth not being supported by the bullet as well as neck only making contact on two narrow rings of the bullet. Seems as though the rounds will be very sensitive to rough use, or recoil while I'm the gun.
Perfectly fine. Go hunting.