12 Year Old First Big Game Hunt N.M. Pronghorn


Well-Known Member
Dec 7, 2021

Adam's 12 year old son shot his first big game animal using the 6.5x46L and the 129gr Absolute Hammer.
Adam said this New Mexico Pronghorn buck was "quartered steep-towards us. My son aimed appropriately for the point of the left shoulder, but unfortunately pulled the shot a couple inches, impacting to the right of the left shoulder in the middle of the rib cage. The solid portion of the bullet passed through the buck at a very steep angle through the diaphragm, liver, guts and through the opposite right hind quarter, breaking the pelvis before exiting. I was immediately nervous for the need for a traumatic follow-up on a crippled buck flopping around trying to get back up, however, that was not the case. My son racked another shell to be ready for a follow-up, but it was not needed, and was never fired. The buck tried to get up once, but promptly fell and expired within 30 seconds to 1 minute in the spot he went down."
Upon recovery Adam reported, "There was an astonishing amount of trauma along the main wound channel, which wasn't terribly surprising, but the expanded trauma from the pedals was pretty amazing, and made it apparent why the buck expired quickly. I found damage to both lungs, and later found an entire pedal lodged in a chamber of the heart, which I discovered back at home when preparing the heart for dinner. The heart and opposite lung was in no way in the bullet's path, but the pedals seemingly saved a potentially rough experience for my son on his first big game hunt."
Thanks for sharing your son's first big game hunt and field report. Adam is a long time customer and concluded, "this shot truly tested the bullet's capability and performance on game due to shot placement. I'm impressed and grateful for the outcome that your bullets can provide."
Congratulations all around!

This young man looks proud -- as he should be. I'd kinda like to know what part of the state this was in...

Having "been" moved to New Mexico in 1991 by the Air Force, I have learned to love seeing the pronghorn. My wife and I regularly drive out away from town hoping to see them in the fields on the side of the road. I grew up hunting whitetail in South Texas, but have never hunted anything since moving to New Mexico. The procedure with the state is just too confusing.