Tools for long range deer hunting In the midwest


Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2022
I'm kind of new to long range hunting. When I say long range here that means no further then 600 yards . Deer hunting here in the Midwest I'm shooting a 35 whelen improved .
So my question here is I have the Vortex Fury range binoculars but I'm wondering what you guys are using that are long range hunters for wind meter? Is a kestrel a better way to go here ? Just a lot of equipment to haul around for 1 or maybe if your lucky 2 shots .
I didn't know that long range hunting was a thing in the Midwest. What I mean is that I took my tool & die apprentice ship in Illinois and they didn't even have a rifle hunt. Shot gun and hand gun was the closest thing. Anyway to answer your question I don't use any wind meter hunting.
The wind meter only tells you what the wind is doing where you are at not 600 yards away.
What I do is look around where the target is and notice the mirage and which way it's moving also grass or leaves how flat is the grass blowing over or how hard the leaves are moving. It takes practice to understand the wind and it's affects on bullet path. And ravines and gully's will give you challenges to shooting with up and down drafts.
So my advice is to do a lot of practice. Good luck have fun be safe.
The wind meter is definitely a learning tool. Things look different out west than they do at home where you are proficient. Distance and wind is much different in the open country. Learn, practice and go but take your wind meter with you if will help recalibrate your thinking. use every clue you can find when hunting even knowing the wind at your location is helpful even if you are not using it exactly. Sometimes your shot will be early and late and the wind may not be an issue but it is windy all day long sometimes too. Things are not always flat or perfect for a bipod so practice with a pack or shooting sticks

