I broke my RCBS Measure!


Well-Known Member
Feb 25, 2008
Australia, Victoria.
G'day all,
Just thought I would post this.
I store my reloading gear on boards when not in use, they simply slide in and out of the bench. I have 2 Redding measures set up currently, a 3BR and a 3BR Long Range for loading 120g+ loads. I have a spare space and was going to put the RCBS measure in for some quick powder weight to volume measurements to use on a new cartridge I'm developing. So, I go to the shed, slide the mount out and the powder hopper, lid and screw in bottom dispenser are all missing…Huh? I say. Take a closer look and the hopper is broken off, the dispenser tube is also snapped off at the threads. Hmmmm, look around and can't find anything. With my memory now, I don't know when I was in there last. Go back inside, then remembered that I was looking for something else, which I didn't find, and somehow, without realising it, slid another mount in and broke everything…
What I would give to have my pre Cardiac Arrest memory back!
Don't be clumsy like me!

Alas, I broke my Frankford Arsenal Intellidropper.
Had it sitting on the bench.
The bench has a back with a shelf over top of it.
I use to store a bunch of my pistol die cases & dies set up in turret plates on it.
Well, pulling bullets with my collet puller, one of the die/turret plates fell off and went through the screen on the Intellidropper.

Bought another shelving unit for storing my dies now.
Still need to get another Intellidropper.