
I'm getting ready to payoff my mortgage.🤩

I'll also probably get divorced soon and have a brand new mortgage. 🤬
Paying off the mortgage feels great. I paid mine off 6 years early, just last year. I have never had a divorce, which is a miracle, since my average relationship was three to five days before getting married. That was over 44 years ago. Best of luck to you.
Always good to shop lenders a bit, they can all have some different programs. Personally I'd not want to work with an out of town lender. And if the underwriting department is in state even better.
That would be nice to get the rates to drop 2-3 points (if Tay happened prices would shoot thru the roof!)... real world depending on how it goes in December I could see it going to the low 6's in the next 8-9 month's
I just moved and as someone mentioned earlier, 1/2 of my property taxes was for the school district. I'm retired,kids are grown up, grand kids lived in different school zone.
My first 2 houses,I made double house payments. Had a 30 year loan paid off in 7 years. It's just crazy how much interest you actually pay. Just do the math. The first couple of years,you don't hardly touch the principal.
I normally would not suggest an ARM but rates are at their peak and will go down. Not much chance they will go up. So arm then refi at a fixed rate when it bottoms out.
I just moved and as someone mentioned earlier, 1/2 of my property taxes was for the school district. I'm retired,kids are grown up, grand kids lived in different school zone.
My first 2 houses,I made double house payments. Had a 30 year loan paid off in 7 years. It's just crazy how much interest you actually pay. Just do the math. The first couple of years,you don't hardly touch the principal.
That's impressive. I thought I did good paying off my 30 year mortgage in 23 years.