I recently acquired a used Ohaus 1010. I've noticed that the knives are able to move horizontally a little such that I can see the magnetic dampener part not always being in the center of the slot after I replace it after dumping the measured powder. I noticed this after I was dumping powder in the pan and all of a sudden the scale arm jumped quite a bit and I was way over the planned charge. I then noticed that the the copper dampner part was actually touching one of the sides. Is some movement in the horizontal plane normal? Is mine moving too much? It seems it pivots mostly on one knife edge/agate. Could one knife edge be higher or one of the agates being lower? If the latter is the case, is there any way to 'trim' the agates to be exactly the same height to the bottom of the 'V'? I could just remove the one that might be lower and put a few pieces of paper under it and reinstall to see if that works. However, I don't know if it's the agates or the knives that aren't exactly the same height and I could be 'fixing' the wrong thing! I don't want to pop out the knives unless absolutely necessary, but I could maybe figure out how to measure the agates from bottom to the lower point of the 'V'. Any suggestions on how best to fix (if needed) and get the knives and bearings squared up?