G7 to G1 conversion

What does the 2 cap turret do? Is that for a second rotation of elevation? If I remember, his won't work. It's an older model. Only be shooting to 600 anyways with about 3200-3400 estimate so not necessary but am curious
Ya, they are asking for a trued g1 bc. Yes, I agree about turrets but it's not my rifle and can't argue with his history of success/happiness with this combination. I'll put a close g1 into a calculator and shoot 600 and adjust for difference. Was just wondering if there was something to get me close to g1 to start and has been some very good suggestions. Thank you all. Should save me some time. Will be a bit, haven't done velocity test yet
I'd just put the info in my app and adjust until it came out the same. Prolly take about 5 minutes to dial it in. I'd start with taking the G7 x2 and playing with it.
What does the 2 cap turret do? Is that for a second rotation of elevation? If I remember, his won't work. It's an older model. Only be shooting to 600 anyways with about 3200-3400 estimate so not necessary but am curious
The 2nd "cap" is for a different elevation, I.e., cap #1 sea level to 5k ft., the 2nd "cap" may be for 5k ft - 8k ft. The biggest impact on POI is temperature and air density
( elevation).
Is there a simple way to convert g7 to g1? I'm helping a friend do load work up on a hammer bullet and he wants to have a turret made for his huskemah ( not sure I spelled that right) . It's only for distance out to 600 so I'm hoping the box g7 will be close and I'll double check drop but they want trued g1 bc for turret info
G7 data is based on empirical data, so the actual measurements, I would doubt there's an accurate conversion figure. Most ballistic calculators allow you to input either figure, projectile manufacturers use doppler radar to measure G7 data.
Apparently G1 figures aren't accurate for longer ranges they're calculated not measured. You have proxy numbers not actual
Is there a simple way to convert g7 to g1? I'm helping a friend do load work up on a hammer bullet and he wants to have a turret made for his huskemah ( not sure I spelled that right) . It's only for distance out to 600 so I'm hoping the box g7 will be close and I'll double check drop but they want trued g1 bc for turret info
I would think the best thing to do would be to actually shoot these distances and record that for your turret.
He was looking really hard at a sig sauer setup for a 6creed I'm helping him build. I sent him a different direction only because he was wanting to do some target shooting as well as hunting and that indicator didn't look like it would be very good for precision. Would have been cool to see how well it really worked though. He's got one of they're range finders with the ballistic app I want to try on some angled shots out to 1090 and see how close it gets. Says he has to buy some sort of card for different cartridges. Crazy stuff these days
Maybe he should run with the Revic BR4 rangefinder. We've been super impressed with them this past season. Once you get proficient in their use, they do amazing things. Makes it too easy.
Ya, trying to talk him into an nrl match fairly close to us the end of may ( not with this rifle). We'll see. I've got a friend lives fairly close to the range and some similar areas to shoot and get some practice in but you know how life is. We both work full time and he won't take shots on animals past 800 so it's a hard sell. Probably a$1000 weekend. I'm definitely going though and nothing wrong with practice
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He was looking really hard at a sig sauer setup for a 6creed I'm helping him build. I sent him a different direction only because he was wanting to do some target shooting as well as hunting and that indicator didn't look like it would be very good for precision. Would have been cool to see how well it really worked though. He's got one of they're range finders with the ballistic app I want to try on some angled shots out to 1090 and see how close it gets. Says he has to buy some sort of card for different cartridges. Crazy stuff these days
I'm not aware of any "card" needed for the sig BDX range finders. The gen 1 to gen 2 system is a free upgrade and in reality as long as a person knows their MV of their cartridge then you can soot very accurate out to 800M and even further with a kestrel/garmin 701/base map etc; as for target shooting the combination of scope and range finder has a specific "setup " for multiple target acquisition holdover dots. When you get into the nuts and bolts of the BDX system it is a leader and is forcing others to do more at a more competitive price.
Is there a simple way to convert g7 to g1? I'm helping a friend do load work up on a hammer bullet and he wants to have a turret made for his huskemah ( not sure I spelled that right) . It's only for distance out to 600 so I'm hoping the box g7 will be close and I'll double check drop but they want trued g1 bc for turret info
Not to be a party pooper but to date (Im 60) I havent seen a box velocity or quoted SD/ES that was accurate in any of my guns.Sure somes better than others but still not as advertised. Im sure they were in the platform tested but as its been said every guns different. Your friend would be better suited to do his own dial in and ballistic data setup to tru your data. If your using factory data it will change by lot numbers or even box to box unless hes paying for custom loads. Loading your own removes alot of variables. I dont think custom turrets are bad but they are for specific loads and that handicaps you some. Go out with him with a chrono and get velocities, then shoot out to the maximum distances you think you with be hunting. Compare what app difference is to actual at range and adjust your data to true it. All good apps have fuction to true data. As much as it pains me to say this " google it" i keep data in Kestrel for guns and calibers and databook because batteries die.