Anyone else doing HRT?


Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2016
Just wondering because I was placed on Testosterone hormone replacement therapy (HRT) back in February. I got tired of my Primary Care Physician telling me my weight gain was just due to my age (51 at the time). I had been working out and dieting, but constantly gaining weight since 2020. I had been struggling with weight gain since I shattered my lower right leg resulting in an ankle fusion back in 2015.

Since my PC Dr wasn't helpful I started seeking help elsewhere. I was talking with guys at work and was surprised how many in their 20s and 30s were taking testosterone, most prescribed through a Low-T clinic like you hear advertised. My Dr had tested my testosterone and he said I was in the normal range.

I talked it over with my wife and she thought it could be an issue as well. I was concerned that it might not be low testosteroe alone, and didn't want to go to a Low-T clinic. She agreed and talked me into going to her clinic she had been seeing for HRT due to menopause symptoms.

They drew like 19 vials of blood end of January, and I got my first visit with the Dr and nutritionists on the 20th of February. I was pretty sad when I weighed in at 256 lbs, I'm 5' 10" and in my prime in the Army was 195 lbs and retired at 220 in 2017. The other bad news I got was as follows:

1. 91% insulin resistant, which made it nearly impossible to process carbohydrates. This was probably the biggest factor in my weight gain.

2. Cardiac inflamatory markers were 8.95 mg/L, anything above 3.00 mg/L puts me at risk for a cardiac event, or an autoimmune disorder. Dr thought it was the latter as my BP was 117/70 with a resting heart rate of 70 bpm.

3. My testosterone level was 343 ng/dl, she wanted to see me above 700 ng/dl for my age.

4. My total estrogen was at 5% and if I gained 1% more I'd start developing boobs.

5. My PSA had gone up from a 4.5 to 4.92 ng/ml and normal is <4.00 ng/ml. I had a prostate biopsy July 2023 to rule out cancer, as there is a history on my Mom's side.

I was perscribed a sublingual tab of testosterone twice a day and Metformin 3X a day with meals. The rest of the recommendations were vitamins I was deficient in, amino acids, and dietary supplements to lower my PSA numbers. I was also given an IV with a super dose of the vitamins I was lacking to get me starte.

Then shes also a certified nutritionists so we went to diet. I was asked what I'd like to weigh, and I said 200 lbs. So I was put on an 1800 calorie a day diet, telling me to intake 200 grams of protein per day. I was also given a maximum daily intake of 75 grams net carbs per day, and suggested 75 grams total fats. The nutritionists told me if I had to go over to meet my calorie goals to do so protein and fats. I was also told to stay away from seed/vegetable oils, margarine, and soy based products and protein. Other than that I could eat pretty much what I want staying within those guidelines.

I was told to use an phone app like Carb Manager or My Fitness Pal to track my daily intake. I chose Carb Manager as that was what my wife was already using. If you pay for the membership it'll give you recipes you can try. Most are Keto, and my diet isn't, so I cut the fat and add more protein.

If I were to eat my grams of protien in lean meats thats 29 ounces on average a day. It's very difficult to do some days so I've had to supplement with protein shakes and bars, sticking with whey based protien. Low carb beef jerky and tuna packets have become staples while traveling as well.

Anyway in May I reached a milestone, I finally could fit into 36 waist jeans and a Large t-shirt again. On April 29 I weighed in at 221 lbs, down 35 lbs total. This is a before and after photo taken in May.

July 14th was my 6 month check up with the Dr. I'm now down a total of 41 lbs at 215, and I've gone from 91% insulin resistant to 21%. My PSA count spiked in March to 5.9 ng/ml, but has been on a downward trend and currently at 4.2 ng/ml. She'll test my cardiac inflamatory markers at 1 year, but she said with my progress I'm lowering it as well.

I was told to slow down my weight loss, so she upped my calorie intake to a little over 2K a day now. She'd like to see me down to 3 lbs or less per month of weight loss until I reach my goal weight. She also said if I stopped at 215, she said that was good too because I was looking fit and healthy. I've decided to continue on down to 200 lbs, but I may try to start lifting again so if I bulk up a bit I'm okay with that as well.
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I haven't checked into it, but as far as weight loss, mine is via PAIN:mad:! Due to pain managing my food intake, I've lost 25# or so. With the amount of testosterone being replaced with an increase of estrogen, it's not a good loo daysk for men. Keep up the progress as it sucks being unhealthy or in pain. I'll be 59 in a few months, so not that much ahead of you. What I miss is hard labor w/48-60 hour straight work days! If you don't like work, don't produce alfalfa!
If you don't like work, don't produce alfalfa!

I didn't produce alfalfa, but I bucked a lot of it. I'll be honest I prefer 4X4X8 big square bales stacked with a tractor over 70-80 lbs bales by hand. Dad always said that big bales ruined a lot of small town football teams.

Dad went to round bales with his sorghum bales in the mid 80s. I'm happy he did, we have sandburrs (sandspur) something horrible. We don't irritate and sorghum and milo were our two big crops to feed the cows. We supplemented on dry years with alfalfa when we didn't grow enough.
I didn't produce alfalfa, but I bucked a lot of it. I'll be honest I prefer 4X4X8 big square bales stacked with a tractor over 70-80 lbs bales by hand. Dad always said that big bales ruined a lot of small town football teams.

Dad went to round bales with his sorghum bales in the mid 80s. I'm happy he did, we have sandburrs (sandspur) something horrible. We don't irritate and sorghum and milo were our two big crops to feed the cows. We supplemented on dry years with alfalfa when we didn't grow enough.
Where are you located? I irrigate and grow sudan-x and able to make 10-13 5x5 round bales per acre. 120 acres produced over 1,400 bales alone. With 1 baler is sucked ad I spent 14 hours straight baling. Bad years (including when power company lines go down) it makes around 8 bales/acre. This is a 1 cutting only numbers. With the fire back in March it'll be next year before I can even start again. Triticale makes about 6 bpa. Your dad is correct about hay and football affects. Not only that I used to buck 100# sacks of cubes. Farm kids DO make tough football players, just ask John Riggins. The only farm kid I can think of that played pro. Dogging calves makes great tacklers as dogging calves that out weigh you 3-5 times. Couple that with limousine and brahma cross.
I grew up in SE Colorado, in Lincoln county. I now live in Bent county Colorado and work out of La Junta. Dad plants Triticale every year, but mainly grazes it in the spring. He's 83 and running 250 pair still, at his peak he had 450 pair and 50 replacements a year.
I haven't checked into it, but as far as weight loss, mine is via PAIN:mad:! Due to pain managing my food intake, I've lost 25# or so.
Forgot to say, I've BTDT as well. Back in Sep 2015 I tried to fly off a ladder working on a second story window. I didn't stick the landing, and shattered my Tibia and Fibula. Percoset and not eating got me below 200 lbs. I missed a full year of work, one good thing about the Union is I still had a job to go back to.


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Forgot to say, I've BTDT as well. Back in Sep 2015 I tried to fly off a ladder working on a second story window. I didn't stick the landing, and shattered my Tibia and Fibula. Percoset and not eating got me below 200 lbs. I missed a full year of work, one good thing about the Union is I still had a job to go back to.
that looked like no fun at all! glad you had a job afterwards! i had a doc appt yesterday and weighed 201 w/steel toe work boots, cell phone and a 16oz drink. minus those 3 would get me around the 194-196 mark and i haven't weighed under 200 since the beginning of this century🤣.
Just wondering because I was placed on Testosterone hormone replacement therapy (HRT) back in February. I got tired of my Primary Care Physician telling me my weight gain was just due to my age (51 at the time). I had been working out and dieting, but constantly gaining weight since 2020. I had been struggling with weight gain since I shattered my lower right leg resulting in an ankle fusion back in 2015.

Since my PC Dr wasn't helpful I started seeking help elsewhere. I was talking with guys at work and was surprised how many in their 20s and 30s were taking testosterone, most prescribed through a Low-T clinic like you hear advertised. My Dr had tested my testosterone and he said I was in the normal range.

I talked it over with my wife and she thought it could be an issue as well. I was concerned that it might not be low testosteroe alone, and didn't want to go to a Low-T clinic. She agreed and talked me into going to her clinic she had been seeing for HRT due to menopause symptoms.

They drew like 19 vials of blood end of January, and I got my first visit with the Dr and nutritionists on the 20th of February. I was pretty sad when I weighed in at 256 lbs, I'm 5' 10" and in my prime in the Army was 195 lbs and retired at 220 in 2017. The other bad news I got was as follows:

1. 91% insulin resistant, which made it nearly impossible to process carbohydrates. This was probably the biggest factor in my weight gain.

2. Cardiac inflamatory markers were 8.95 mg/L, anything above 3.00 mg/L puts me at risk for a cardiac event, or an autoimmune disorder. Dr thought it was the latter as my BP was 117/70 with a resting heart rate of 70 bpm.

3. My testosterone level was 343 ng/dl, she wanted to see me above 700 ng/dl for my age.

4. My total estrogen was at 5% and if I gained 1% more I'd start developing boobs.

5. My PSA had gone up from a 4.5 to 4.92 ng/ml and normal is <4.00 ng/ml. I had a prostate biopsy July 2023 to rule out cancer, as there is a history on my Mom's side.

I was perscribed a sublingual tab of testosterone twice a day and Metformin 3X a day with meals. The rest of the recommendations were vitamins I was deficient in, amino acids, and dietary supplements to lower my PSA numbers. I was also given an IV with a super dose of the vitamins I was lacking to get me starte.

Then shes also a certified nutritionists so we went to diet. I was asked what I'd like to weigh, and I said 200 lbs. So I was put on an 1800 calorie a day diet, telling me to intake 200 grams of protein per day. I was also given a maximum daily intake of 75 grams net carbs per day, and suggested 75 grams total fats. The nutritionists told me if I had to go over to meet my calorie goals to do so protein and fats. I was also told to stay away from seed/vegetable oils, margarine, and soy based products and protein. Other than that I could eat pretty much what I want staying within those guidelines.

I was told to use an phone app like Carb Manager or My Fitness Pal to track my daily intake. I chose Carb Manager as that was what my wife was already using. If you pay for the membership it'll give you recipes you can try. Most are Keto, and my diet isn't, so I cut the fat and add more protein.

If I were to eat my grams of protien in lean meats thats 29 ounces on average a day. It's very difficult to do some days so I've had to supplement with protein shakes and bars, sticking with whey based protien. Low carb beef jerky and tuna packets have become staples while traveling as well.

Anyway in May I reached a milestone, I finally could fit into 36 waist jeans and a Large t-shirt again. On April 29 I weighed in at 221 lbs, down 35 lbs total. This is a before and after photo taken in May.

July 14th was my 6 month check up with the Dr. I'm now down a total of 41 lbs at 215, and I've gone from 91% insulin resistant to 21%. My PSA count spiked in March to 5.9 ng/ml, but has been on a downward trend and currently at 4.2 ng/ml. She'll test my cardiac inflamatory markers at 1 year, but she said with my progress I'm lowering it as well.

I was told to slow down my weight loss, so she upped my calorie intake to a little over 2K a day now. She'd like to see me down to 3 lbs or less per month of weight loss until I reach my goal weight. She also said if I stopped at 215, she said that was good too because I was looking fit and healthy. I've decided to continue on down to 200 lbs, but I may try to start lifting again so if I bulk up a bit I'm okay with that as well.
Whew. Sounds complicated. Glad it worked out though!

I went keto and never looked back. I also quite smokeless tobacco and alcohol cold turkey and I feel better than ever. I'm 45 and trying to live as healthy as possible for the second half of my life.
Whew. Sounds complicated. Glad it worked out though!

I went keto and never looked back. I also quite smokeless tobacco and alcohol cold turkey and I feel better than ever. I'm 45 and trying to live as healthy as possible for the second half of my life.

I'm pretty sure the insulin resistance (IR) was the cause of my weight gain. However, there were symptoms I think the testosterone cleared up that I didn't mention in the OP. I was also suffering from not giving a **** about anything, low sex drive, lethargy, exhaustion, and a lot of brain fog. I was pretty much checked out with my relationships as well.

My PC was diagnosing me as depressed, and wanted it confirmed by a psychiatrist so I could get medicated. Since I really do like firearms and hunting, I didn't want that kind of diagnosis. Especially living in Commie-rado with our current nanny state of gun control and red flag laws.

I've been doing this for 6 months now as of the 19th, my symptoms are pretty much gone. I do still suffer from exhaustion from time to time, but it's usually from doing too much around the property, and then getting called to work and pulling a 12-16 hr day. I work 100% on call 24/7 as a locomotive engineer or conductor for BNSF. I try not to do too much on days I'm close to going out, but still get caught by surprise every now and then. I do recover faster from those days when I'm up for more than 24hrs at a time.

I haven't found the plan difficult or complicated. Take my testosterone 2x day, Metformin 3x with meals, take my vitamins and supplements 3x with meals, eat my protein, take in my calories allowed or be at a slight deficit, and log food on an app. I also have had cheat days where I screw something up, I just get back at it the next day.

Currently my workouts consist of maintaining 12 acres of property and walking an average of 15 miles a week. I usually take my dogs, so it's usually a pretty leisurely walk as they are often distracted. They have to sniff everything and mark all fencposts and power poles. I probably should buy some dumbells or kettlebells and include more than just body weight training, or carrying heavy stuff around the property. I just don't live on a schedule and the closest 24hr gym is a 50 mile round trip. The closest gym is at a local rec center 6 miles away in the closest town, but it's only open 8a-4p Mon-Sat due to staffing. I'm usually working on the property, on a train, or sleeping from getting off one during those hours.
Congrats on the weight loss. Now make it a lifestyle change, because that's what it is. Gets easier but you always have to work on it. I suggest start lifting weights if you are not all ready. I'm starting to believe a lot of our "health care" problems are food problems. I've always been low carb by default (I've always liked meat and shoot/consume lots of game) but become more disciplined on carbs the last few years. I've also cut out seed oils and most processed food. It's subtle at first but after a while you'll notice you feel much better, and don't miss the crap! I'm 45 and have an occasional back/joint/tendon pain but overall better shape than my 20's.
I was also suffering from not giving a **** about anything, low sex drive, lethargy, exhaustion, and a lot of brain fog. I was pretty much checked out with my relationships as well.
This was EXACTLY my problem 4 years ago.
However, there were symptoms I think the testosterone cleared up that I didn't mention in the OP.
Ha! Yeah, Testosterone "fixes" just about everything. 😀