I could never bring myself to go the Adjustable Rate Mortgage......risk is just too great for my gut these days.....the $$ you save if the rates go down rarely end up in savings .......something always comes up & then when rates spike your left with possible eviction.
That's what happened in the 08 financial crisis. That & all the jumbo loans that people fell for. Left thousands out on the street.
Our first home, ( was an old bungalow, great home, but needed constant projects,) was FHA, after a few years, we re-financed at a better rate & got rid of the PMI. Later on we sold it & bought a new home (with less projects,) but had enough equity we were able to go Conventional .....at a really good rate. Thankfully we were able to pay it off several years ago.....now the property taxes are creeping up every year & will soon be as much as our mortgage was, lol.......its always somethin uh??
That's what happened in the 08 financial crisis. That & all the jumbo loans that people fell for. Left thousands out on the street.
Our first home, ( was an old bungalow, great home, but needed constant projects,) was FHA, after a few years, we re-financed at a better rate & got rid of the PMI. Later on we sold it & bought a new home (with less projects,) but had enough equity we were able to go Conventional .....at a really good rate. Thankfully we were able to pay it off several years ago.....now the property taxes are creeping up every year & will soon be as much as our mortgage was, lol.......its always somethin uh??