AR10 6.5PRC


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2018
While this AR isn't as nice as @Masczek 's or limited as mine on COAL (aisc vs LaRue) my 1st testing went well. I'll start with barrel specs...........McGowen 22" modified hbar w/.875 gas journal, +2 gas, 8 twist, gas port size (iirc) .100" and throat based off Lapua 144fmj-bt @ 2.830" COAL +.100". Bolt is from KAK along w/9.5oz rifle buffer. 1st round fired ejected around the 1 to 2 o'clock position. Opened up the gas block 5 clicks and ejected at same position. Opened up all the way and had same results. Then thought "what buffer is installed"? Cracked open the upper and then remembered I used the 9.5oz for safety issues. I'll replace the buffer w/about a 4-4.5oz and retry. Brass looked fine, but carrier after only 7 rounds looked very dirty. Ammo used was Norma 143 golden target @ 2.860" which fit the LaRue mag perfectly. I'll post brass pics later. I don't recall the weight of the gun, but it's not terribly heavy w/optic (I'll check weight when I get a chance) as felt recoil was almost non-existent.

L) 7-08rem
R) 6.5PRC

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