Catching Ducks or Life on the Bayou


Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2018
Texas Hill Country
Here goes....

Boudreaux & Thibedeaux both lived near each other down on the bayou. Many mornings Boudreaux would be down on his dock when Thibedeaux would come by in his pirogue, they always exchanged pleasantries.
Just one such morning Boudreaux was checking his crawfish trap when Thibedeaux came paddling up. Where you headed this morning Thibedeaux? Boudreaux asked.
I'm going down bayou to catch me some ducks, he says.
Ducks! Exclaimed Boudreaux How you gonna do that?
I got me some duct tape says Thibedeaux.
Duct tape! You can't catch ducks with duct tape! says Boudreaux.
Oh, but I can, says Thibedeaux, my daddy showed me how!

Well, Boudreaux made it a point to be back down on the dock when Thibedeaux came back that afternoon and sure enough there were 10 or 12 dead mallards in his boat.
Wow he thought to himself, he wasn't lyin'! Boudreaux thinks to himself.

A couple of days go by and Boudreaux sees Thibedeaux coming his way.
Good morning Thibedeaux he says. What you got goin' today?
I'm goin' to get some nutria, he answers.
Nutria! Boudreaux exclaimed; those are hard to catch!
No, says Thibedeaux, I got me some nutra-sweet.
Nutra-sweet!? Says Boudreaux, you can't catch nutria with nutra-sweet!
Oh but I can says Thibedeaux, my daddy showed me how.
Sure enough later that day he comes paddling by with a boat laden with dead rodents.
Man, thought Boudreaux, his daddy sure taught him some stuff!

A couple of days go by and Boudreaux sees Thibedeaux paddling down, his pirogue loaded with green plants. What you got in your pirogue today, Thibedeaux? Boudreaux asks.
I got me a whole bunch of ***** willow says Thibedeaux.......

Wait a minute, I'm getting my hat! Says Boudreaux