How Many Presses Do You Use for Reloading?

The RCBS was a nice upgrade from the old C press, but I wish I had kept the C for personal and nostalgia reasons.
Me too. I have reloading equipment that used to belong to my dad who is now deceased. There is just some kind of connection there that I don't want to let go of. My personal favorite is a old Belding & Mull powder dispenser. In my younger years, I was always fascinated by the latest wiz-bang gizmo that supposedly was the best thing that ever came along. My dad was always fond of his Belding & Mull. He said nothing beats it for metering his IMR 4350. In later years, I got that old thing out. Polished the brass with some Flitz and made it shinny. I told myself, this thing is really cool and I started to dispense some powder with it and found out my dad was right. Imagine that. It really does do an excellent job of dispensing IMR 4350 and I use it all the time now and feel like he is somehow there with me helping me along. I even use his old beam scale to. The only twist that I added to the beam scale was to use the old camera trick and blow up the image on monitor to easily see the pointer. I kind of wonder what my dad might have thought of that one. I went through a period of using the newer electronic scales too before I came to realize that the beam scales may be a little more reliable.

I got along well with my dad. We did a lot of hunting, reloading, and shooting together among other things. I sure do miss him.

The picture attached is not mine. Just an image I stole from Ebay.
I use 2
A Lee for decapping and using the collet die, and a MEC marksman for sizing and bullet seating. Thinking about getting one of those small rcbs presses for seating.
Last count I had 21. Some are not currently being used but I'm keeping them cause I sometimes change my mind and switch back and forth.
My count is not 21 but I buy old presses just for fun. One day it will give the old press wall display.
Started with a Hornady Classic, bought a second, bought a Redding T25 and a second. Bought a Hornady Iron press, do not like the case holder, Got the Forester Co Ax, like, then tried a Lyman T8 cannot get turret to work right, the bolt gets to tight, Bought my son a Hornady Lock and Load Classic, found one at a show for my self.
Have Dillon 550's for large and small primers and a 1050 in storage (man cave is being redone).
Probably going to use Lock and Load for bullet seating and go bullet specific seating dies.
Going ammo gun specific so will see where it all goes with the sizing part.
Really like look and feel of the Redding T7
Use Redding dies almost exclusively.
Old presses are unique in themselves and wish they could tell stories.