Pro Bed 2000

Something I have been dbating lately as well, as to which compund to select. I have no experience, but input from people I respect is pointing me to Marine Tex
Well I ripped it apart. There are images before I clean it up. The stock is just primered and isn't finished, I wanted to bed it first before paint. The bedding in the stock is pretty dang hard. I poked around it in a few non critical locations with the point of a razor blade and it seems pretty hard. I bolted it back together and will let it sit until I mill out the trigger pocket and a couple other spots.

Well I ripped it apart. There are images before I clean it up. The stock is just primered and isn't finished, I wanted to bed it first before paint. The bedding in the stock is pretty dang hard. I poked around it in a few non critical locations with the point of a razor blade and it seems pretty hard. I bolted it back together and will let it sit until I mill out the trigger pocket and a couple other spots.

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Looks real good!
So I bedded a rifle with Pro Bed. I followed the instructions and weighed the resin and hardener using the ratio in the instructions, 100 parts resin to 77 parts hardener. According to Charlie at Score Hi this stuff is very forgiving on the ratio. Well after about 32 hours the bedding is still able to be scratched with a fingernail. This stuff seems much softer than Devcon 10110 or it's not curing properly? The rifle is in my basement and it's about 65 degrees down there. I put a space heater on the bench to warm up the stock and even after 10 hours with the space heater the bedding still isn't any harder. Thoughts? Thank you
In my experience, and I use it often, it takes a good 24 plus hours to fully cure. I very much like the long working time and bubble free imperfections In the finished result.
I have used Probed 2000 several years ago on a friends rifles.He had 3 to bed.
I bedded them in the summer so temps were up enough for it to cure fast enough.I started after work on a Friday afternoon and Saturday night I took it apart and it was rock hard.I then worked on the next rifle but didn't consider the first rifle cured until Monday.Did all 3 rifles and all went well but give it enough time to cure even after it hardens.
Zero shrinkage. My friend bought it and it was the first time I used it but if Devcon gets too hard to find or too expensive I would buy Probed 2000 in a heartbeat.
Judd96 that looks great!Good job
That's high quality looking work, @Jud96! Is it a target rifle?

I've used probes a few times and really like it. The surface texture to me seems a little different than other bedding, but it seems to get rock hard after several days.
Have not bedded a rifle yet, but used to work where they did a lot of fabrication with various types of epoxy. After mixing they would put the container in a glass vacuum dome and pump it down until all the bubbles expanded and came out. From actual testing, mixing epoxy very thoroughly is a critical step. I have a cheap vacuum pump for laminating fiberglass and use a length of PVC pipe to catch the fumes. Bedding a rifle is a bit too intimidating for me.
Have not bedded a rifle yet, but used to work where they did a lot of fabrication with various types of epoxy. After mixing they would put the container in a glass vacuum dome and pump it down until all the bubbles expanded and came out. From actual testing, mixing epoxy very thoroughly is a critical step. I have a cheap vacuum pump for laminating fiberglass and use a length of PVC pipe to catch the fumes. Bedding a rifle is a bit too intimidating for me.

You think it is, based on your statement above, it is not. Follow the recommendations of the senior members here, properly prep and mask your stock, clean, degrease your action, apply your chosen release agent thoroughly and clean as you go, removing the excess epoxy and you will be fine.

There are plenty of tutorials online, videos, step by steps on various forums and even on the manufacturer's website of the chosen bedding material. Go slow and methodical and you will be fine.

You can over mix epoxies and get the reaction to happen faster than you anticipate, to see it for yourself, mix a small batch by hand and use a long handle hex wrench to mix a second small batch, keep mixing for about 3 times as long as the first batch, you will see, smell and feel the exothermic reaction begin before you are done.
You think it is, based on your statement above, it is not. Follow the recommendations of the senior members here, properly prep and mask your stock, clean, degrease your action, apply your chosen release agent thoroughly and clean as you go, removing the excess epoxy and you will be fine.

There are plenty of tutorials online, videos, step by steps on various forums and even on the manufacturer's website of the chosen bedding material. Go slow and methodical and you will be fine.

You can over mix epoxies and get the reaction to happen faster than you anticipate, to see it for yourself, mix a small batch by hand and use a long handle hex wrench to mix a second small batch, keep mixing for about 3 times as long as the first batch, you will see, smell and feel the exothermic reaction begin before you are done.
Some good points. Will have a look and start a new thread to avoid further hijacking this one.