Brittany Runs off, get GPS collar?

I've had an underground fence (Invisible fence brand) for over 30years. Same one. I've had multiple breeds on it- Basenji's, Bluetick coon, now 4 GSP's. I've had maybe 5 escapes total, usually because the collar or fence/line was broken at some point. I highly recommend it.

I do have 1 GSP that get's away from me in the field, and I do have a GPS sport collar. Really handy hunting mountain grouse in Montana. Very pricy but for me worth it.
I like the GPS collars, (Garmin Alpha 100 and 200i). We have a Teckel, wirehair dachshund, that would never be off leash without the Garmin collar. That dog can cover some ground! I've had her over 3/4 miles away tracking what ever she decided to track. The typical dachshund, stubborn. I look back on my first Drahthaar and wonder how I managed without the GPS collar. We never go without wearing the collar.
invisible fence for the house is great . we have had for 4 1/2 yrs now and is Great! i have about 1 1/2 acres fenced in with it and my dogs do great with it!
Training is the answer. I take 4 trial/test labs out at one time on 15 acres with zero issue with them coming back to me. All a GPS locating collar will unfortunately do is allow you to locate him, and it may be after he meets a car. Don't just throw an ecollar on him without him knowing what you are asking before you use it. As a very well known trainer once said: "if my truck is broke down and you shock me until I'm dead, I cannot fix the truck because I don't know how, but if you teach me how to fix the truck first and then give me a zap, it will get me up off the couch to go fix it." The dog simply lacks the training and discipline, it's not just his breed because I have a black lab that runs on jet fuel, but if I give her a command, even when she doesn't have an ecollar on, she breaks what she's doing and listens.
invisible fence for the house is great . we have had for 4 1/2 yrs now and is Great! i have about 1 1/2 acres fenced in with it and my dogs do great with it!
I've had the same Invisible Fence system for almost 25 years- still going strong. Kept Basenji's, a bluetick and 4 GSP's in the property faithfully.
I once had a Yellow Lab/ Golden Retriever mix who was EVERYONE's best friend. If that dog saw someone walking 1/2 mile away, he'd go introduce himself and maybe join them in their travels.
I put in a wired type Invisible Fence but sometimes he would run full out and take the shock that he knew was coming but also knew that once he got past that the world was his.
I eventually broke him of that, but not before he ended up at the bar 7 miles away and another time the grocery store.
Both times, he had found a new friend.

They now have wireless ones that work off a central unit that, from what I understand they get a continuous shock until they get back in the "zone".
I don't have experience with them, though.
I once had a Yellow Lab/ Golden Retriever mix who was EVERYONE's best friend. If that dog saw someone walking 1/2 mile away, he'd go introduce himself and maybe join them in their travels.
I put in a wired type Invisible Fence but sometimes he would run full out and take the shock that he knew was coming but also knew that once he got past that the world was his.
I eventually broke him of that, but not before he ended up at the bar 7 miles away and another time the grocery store.
Both times, he had found a new friend.

They now have wireless ones that work off a central unit that, from what I understand they get a continuous shock until they get back in the "zone".
I don't have experience with them, though.
We have a "Pet Safe" works good. Have had Edward, Samson, Cassie and Maximus run through and also look for areas to escape. After a while thy realized to stay in the property. After a while didn't need the collars to warn them. After one "Shock" didn't go to the boundary.
Had the same transmitter unit for 17 years and recently bought an extra collar for Maximus

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Retired Vet here, also avid dog trainer for 55yrs. I was competing in retriever field trials in my late teens-early twenties.

I highly recommend the Invisible fence for your property, and they do have an excellent training program to get you started. Sounds like he should never be let out a door without his perimeter collar on, and with a good battery in place. For off property, he needs a premium E-Collar. Garmen makes the best(they bought out Tritronics). However, you need a trainer that is experienced in teaching how to start your dog on an E-Collar; when you put an E-Collar on a dog, you better know how and when to use it. If you do the above, I am very confident that you can work through this. I think it's a much better solution to fix the problem than find a way to try and rescue him with the same bad habit.

Good Luck,

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Retired Vet here, also avid dog trainer for 55yrs. I was competing in retriever field trials in my late teens-early twenties.

I highly recommend the Invisible fence for your property, and they do have an excellent training program to get you started. Sounds like he should never be let out a door without his perimeter collar on, and with a good battery in place. For off property, he needs a premium E-Collar. Garmen makes the best(they bought out Tritronics). However, you need a trainer that is experienced in teaching how to start your dog on an E-Collar; when you put an E-Collar on a dog, you better know how and when to use it. If you do the above, I am very confident that you can work through this. I think it's a much better solution to fix the problem than find a way to try and rescue him with the same bad habit.

Good Luck,

Is/was there such a thing as a perimeter fence collar that also had training capabilites? It seems like I had a dual purpose setup?
Is/was there such a thing as a perimeter fence caller that also had training capabilites? It seems like I had a dual purpose setup?
I have not seen one. I use the invisible fence to keep my dogs on the property. When I take them off property, and I anticipate that they will be off leash, possibly exposed to wildlife or other dogs, I put the E-Collar on,... just in-case. The whole secret to dog training is to be able to anticipate what might go wrong, and be prepared to deal with it.