Things I've heard at the range


Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2003
I'm sure others have heard some interesting jabber while at the range. This is from my time at the range today.

My hearing protection is MSA noise cancelling. When someone is talking 5 benches down from me, I can hear them loud and clear as long as nobody is shooting. The stuff I hear sometimes... whew.

Today's gems, all from one guy:

(1) Your target looks like you're playing battleship. 😀 This is my all time favorite so far.

(2) The V in that scope makes no sense. His buddy was shooting a Primary Arms, FFP, 6X scope on an AR10 (308) at 100 yards. Comment #1 was about this guys groups. 6X at 100 with that scope is doable. I was shooting my suppressed CZ (.22 LR) while I waited for the 7mm barrel to cool. It's sighted in at 50 yards. The point of the cone (not a V) is the point of aim at 50. At 100 yards I use the bar below the "V", etc.

(3) That bee has a spider! And the spider is dead bro!!

(4) Mils is used by the military because it's more accurate.

(5) In a Yoda voice - Be the bullseye. 😀
I'll throw one in that I almost pee'd in my pants. Ok so these two dudes at the end were taking a break and apparently one of thems wife was having an affair with their neighbor. The one buddy asked do you know who. Husband of the wife says yeah it's the neighbor. Husband gets to talking how mad he is about it and tore up. The buddy asked so which house is it. He said 4th house down from us……his window is 422 yards!

I lost it right there. I had to pack up and leave I was laughing so much. So he had done been ranging the guys window of his house. You can't make this up. 😂😂😂😂
I had two guys who brought air rifles to a shooting range complaining to each other that my braked AR15 was too loud.

Also had a range officer giving his homeboy/mentee personal and professional advice. One of the many highlights was (edited for language and clarity) that the only valid excuse/reason to ever show up late to a job is if you just got laid, and that you better still smell like it.
I'll throw one in that I almost pee'd in my pants. Ok so these two dudes at the end were taking a break and apparently one of thems wife was having an affair with their neighbor. The one buddy asked do you know who. Husband of the wife says yeah it's the neighbor. Husband gets to talking how mad he is about it and tore up. The buddy asked so which house is it. He said 4th house down from us……his window is 422 yards!

I lost it right there. I had to pack up and leave I was laughing so much. So he had done been ranging the guys window of his house. You can't make this up. 😂😂😂😂
Tooooo funny!!
Didn't see this and wish I had. Guy was shooting his pencil barrel magnum something with factory ammo. One shot after another through two boxes of ammo. Getting madder as he goes because the rifle is shooting so bad. He then throws the rifle in his hard case and bloviates about how good he is and what a lousy rifle he got while his hard case is smoking behind him. Someone points out out to him and when he couldn't get it open he threw it in his truck and drove off. Priceless!

Love the battleship comment!
Some of these range guys will swear, bullets climb up after leaving the barrel, not effected by gravity til X number of yards down range. There's a few that constantly fiddle with the scopes eyepiece but, leave the eyepiece lock nut loose and they don't believe that's effecting their groups.