6.5 PRC best lead free Factory loading for long range


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2024
Idaho Falls ID
Hello all. Please educate me as to who makes what load lead free bullets for up to 800 yard hunting? I'm beyond pleased with Hornady 147 ELD-M's. A stupid (lucky for me) dial and shoot in my off the shelf Proof Elevation (Non MTR) w/24" barrel. Sub 1/2" MOA anytime I do my job. A long awaited hunt in a lead free area is on the books is looking likely and I welcome your knowledge base!
Hornady CX or Barnes Vor-tx is about all you can find for factory...but going to 800yds in 6.5prc would be hard due to velocity and bullet performance. I'm thinking 650-700 max
That xtra yardage over 600 IS the difference. I think the 700-750 range would be enough in reality. With the 147 ELD-M's that is chip shot range, 800-950 is possible, beyond that it's the Berger 156 game on... I think someone, somewhere must be pushing out to that 700-750 zone with confidence. Thanks for the valuable input though, it just reinforces the ballistic calcs...
Factory mono BCs are generally pretty bad. even the barnes LRX, at 3000 fps muzzle struggles to get past 650 at 2000 fps (and I agree with @lancetkenyon, stay >2000fps with a mono, even if they open below that, they basically never open up all that well).
the only way to do it I know of is to reload, and then you get access to some of the better bc monos. The 125gr badlands for instance, stays >2k out to 825 yards assuming 3k fps muzzle.
What and where are you hunting? I believe California is the only "lead free" place and you definitely won't be shooting 800 yards at anything here.
Adam32+P, there are other places, including some military bases/ refuges and Government facilities. It's all stupid IMHO. We generally hunt antelope to LR, sheep are another species, I just like knowing I have the legs to go there if the situation demands it. Normally 700-800 conditions make even that difficult, especially in the wind blown wide open west. Haven't taken a speedgoat longer than 590, and a sheep @ 580, but had to pass a world class antelope @ over 800 once upon a time. Just like options, and I don't reload any longer, age related...
Hello all. Please educate me as to who makes what load lead free bullets for up to 800 yard hunting? I'm beyond pleased with Hornady 147 ELD-M's. A stupid (lucky for me) dial and shoot in my off the shelf Proof Elevation (Non MTR) w/24" barrel. Sub 1/2" MOA anytime I do my job. A long awaited hunt in a lead free area is on the books is looking likely and I welcome your knowledge base!
What are you hunting—antelope, deer, or elk? Do you know someone near you who can load it for you? The 130 CX in 6.5 PRC is pricier, but Copper Creek (https://coppercreekcartridgeco.com/product/65prc-130cx/) loads theirs hotter than Hornady (https://www.hornady.com/ammunition/rifle/6.5-prc-130-gr.-cx-outfitter#!/).
Remember, solids take around 2000fps impact velocity to open fully. Keep that in mind when looking at max yardage. Don't fall into the "my copper bullets opened down to 1600fps" trap. Solids love speed.
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By your learned advice, it seems the Hornady 130 gr. CX is the way to go. The Copper Creek load appears to be the fastest. I guess I have no choice but to buy both and see which one is most accurate. I have extensive African experience, especially with solids, and have no issues with a velocity that will push thru, instead of expanding, which is obviously preferable. Does anyone have any experience at the 1600-1700 fps performance on mid sized game?
Thanks all!
Any report on your hunt? Did you end up using the 130 cx? I'm curious how they performed on game
I have not used them yet on a live animal. I have tried 130CX in Hornady and Copper C, rifle is ok with both, a little tighter with Hornady even though velocity is less. In both cases, accuracy is hanging onto 1 MOA @625 - 825 yard range. Both are near identical 2 MOA @300-380 though, then settle right down. Crazy! The Target is going to be Desert Bighorn in Ca, and maybe antelope for the wife also for '25. Both wife and I have/had max points. I like to think positive! Will keep updates current. Will shoot some goats over the winter at long yardage to check performance when I get to Texas.
Might be time for alternatives...

The available factory loads are less than acceptable in my opinion given your parameters. In general, I think you might be stretching your yardage just a touch. ;)

As another way to look at factory loads, I suggest looking at custom reloading companies to create the cartridge/bullet combinations you want. One I'm familiar with is:

Copper Creek Custom Cartridge


They have some loads already in stock but they will develop custom loads with your choices.

My suggestion is to use the 139 (137) Hammer Hunter. Yes, they suggest a 1:6.5" twist. Working at my velocity and my 7.5" twist, I developed an accurate load out to 1,000 yards while only losing a couple of points of BC. I'm helped by being at 2,000 feet and higher. Your numbers will be better at 800 yards.

Working outside the standard box can be beneficial.
