America Taken over by TicTok, Liberals, Hamas

Coyote Shadow Tracker

Well-Known Member
LRH Sponsor
Dec 9, 2020
Social Circle, GA
Where are at the parents of these KIDS yes KIDS that are taking over the highest school systems in the US??? These KIDS will be the future teachers, lawyers, Doctors and their ideas will be passed along to future students.
No Arrests, NO consequences. NO LAW and ORDER.
How does an American students put on HAMAS Colors and Grab and say death to America! WHO is teaching them!
God Bless America and the World.
There is a new movie coming out "Civil War". I don't think it is going to be Far Right Wing against the Government. It will be radicalized students against the US.
Where are at the parents of these KIDS yes KIDS that are taking over the highest school systems in the US??? These KIDS will be the future teachers, lawyers, Doctors and their ideas will be passed along to future students.
No Arrests, NO consequences. NO LAW and ORDER.
How does an American students put on HAMAS Colors and Grab and say death to America! WHO is teaching them!
God Bless America and the World.
There is a new movie coming out "Civil War". I don't think it is going to be Far Right Wing against the Government. It will be radicalized students against the US.
Have you noticed the ones shouting death to America and death to Isreal in the bullhorn are not doing it in English? They are teaching the words to their stupid followers. Our brightest? Half of them don't even know what they are saying or doing. Heard a tape yesterday that one of them was upset that a cop threw her to the ground. Wanted to know how that could happen in America. All she I'd was hit him over the head, admitting a felony. She is lucky the cop didn't shoot her. They likely would here. The least they would have done is booked her for assaulting a police officer, a felony here.
Len, you have to remember the college protests in the late sixties and early seventies. I grew near Kent state. I lost the desire to go to College when in High School. I went into the Army and those college students went on to become left wing politicians and their supporters.
Nailed it
Communist do what communists do. This is nothing new.

There is a difference here though. We don't have troops on the ground in Israel..that we know of anyway. And these commi turds are peeing down their legs over it. We should round them up, send them to Gaza, and let them sort their differences with Israel over there. My guess is Israel will educate them right quick.
Their parents are probably the most to blame here. Most of these kids have probably had cell phones since they were 7 or 8 yrs old. Tech gadgets have been babysitter #1 for yrs, give a kid a tablet, they are out of your hair.
I'd bet a fair number of adults look back at their college days and admit they got caught up in crap that was not like them as a whole. A fair share of non college educated adults may say the same, we do foolish things at that age.
Replacing Civics classes with social studies was not the wisest move, and just how much knowledge of history does one need to advance in todays world? Math, English type classes never change, history covers centuries, and more history was probably made in the 20th century than most added together. May not have made more, but it was documented in real time. Add in, for HS students, there is not one standard history book teachers use to help inform students. 40 yrs ago, most of us here would have advocated One book as the standard, today, we should be thankful that it is not just one, because we may not have the say in it that we think we deserve. These kids are not being taught the consequences of living in societies unlike what we have as US citizens.
Being taught, socialism good-communism bad without pointing how thin that line actually is, is a very dangerous proposition.
Not much thought is going into supporting a group of people who will eradicate your alternate lifestyle if given the opportunity.
Rush Limbaugh was right in the fact that the colleges and universities are full on liberal indoctrination centers and anti American. I got a taste of that back around the early 2000's.
I was at a small rural school (k-12 rural school with about 10 kids per class) eating at the teachers table at lunch. I mentioned the fact that many people from an animal rights/anti hunting group had told me that the holocaust never happened. It was all right wing propaganda to get the USA into WWII for cheap oil.
Now for the almost unbelievable part. There were about 7 teachers there who had attended 5 different colleges/universities in Missouri. Every single teacher there said that they had "history" teachers while in those 5 Missouri colleges and universities that had told their classes the exact same thing.... "It is my personal belief that the holocaust never happened. It is all right wing Christain propaganda for cheap oil." This is in Missouri, can you imagine what they teach in hard core liberal states?
I just wish my Uncle and many of the other WWII vets I knew who were there, and witnessed the trenches of dead bodies could have paid a special visit to these "history classes" and gave first hand accounts. I will never forget a statement my uncle said with tears in his eyes about the trenches filled with dead bodies, "Rotting humans don't smell like rotting animals, and I can still taste the smell."
Rush Limbaugh was right in the fact that the colleges and universities are full on liberal indoctrination centers and anti American. I got a taste of that back around the early 2000's.
I was at a small rural school (k-12 rural school with about 10 kids per class) eating at the teachers table at lunch. I mentioned the fact that many people from an animal rights/anti hunting group had told me that the holocaust never happened. It was all right wing propaganda to get the USA into WWII for cheap oil.
Now for the almost unbelievable part. There were about 7 teachers there who had attended 5 different colleges/universities in Missouri. Every single teacher there said that they had "history" teachers while in those 5 Missouri colleges and universities that had told their classes the exact same thing.... "It is my personal belief that the holocaust never happened. It is all right wing Christain propaganda for cheap oil." This is in Missouri, can you imagine what they teach in hard core liberal states?
I just wish my Uncle and many of the other WWII vets I knew who were there, and witnessed the trenches of dead bodies could have paid a special visit to these "history classes" and gave first hand accounts. I will never forget a statement my uncle said with tears in his eyes about the trenches filled with dead bodies, "Rotting humans don't smell like rotting animals, and I can still taste the smell."
Maybe they should visit Dacua near Munich. That was a place that I never took pictures of while stationed in Germany. I really didn't want to remember that stop.