New info on Chronic Wasting Disease

I do have my wonderings about how accurate the testing is, it is run by the government after all and I'm guessing not the tightest lab protocols...
I’ve seen it published somewhere, but I don’t remember. False positives were extremely low. Lower than I trusted initially, but TX and CO have been testing rather intensively and with a low enough positive rate that it seems false positives can’t be a huge part of it. TX in particular. They’re testing something close to 20,000 deer a year, and only turning up a handful of positives, almost all in clusters around known areas. They turned up a loan deer in a new spot a few years ago and haven’t found any more deer there. Could be a false positive. It was a very mature buck that was emaciated and active confused, so it was euthanized and tested. To my knowledge the test does not differentiate between forms of prion disease, so it’s possible that the deer had a spontaneous 1/1,000,000 prion disease that natural occurred in deer since they came into being.

Again, I’ve seen supposed accuracy published but I don’t remember where. False positives were extremely low. False negatives were higher, which mildly bothered me. I wish I remembered the numbers, or even where I read them. Either way, the testing was reasonably accurate. Nothing it perfect.
You do realize they are also in the USA. And working with that China lab & many others around the world. There not far from my home. Notice the date on this article. I find it funny after posting their goings on during the Covid BS. They have dismantled their website. And their new site covers none of what I posted from the old one. And the new site makes it harder to find & research what they are doing. Imagine that.
April 26, 2018 (301) 619-2285
Fort Detrick, MD [email protected]
Study of Bat Natural Immunity to Marburg Virus May Shed Light on Human Disease
Scientists examining the genome of Egyptian fruit bats, a natural reservoir for the deadly
Marburg virus, have identified several immune-related genes that suggest bats deal with viral
infections in a substantially different way than primates. Their research, published online today
in the journal CELL, demonstrates that bats may be able to host viruses that are pathogenic in
humans by tolerating—rather than overcoming—the infection.
Bats are known to harbor many viruses, including several that cause disease in humans,
without demonstrating symptoms. To identify differences between antiviral mechanisms in
humans and bats, the research team sequenced, assembled, and analyzed the genome of
Rousettus aegyptiacus, the Egyptian fruit bat—a natural reservoir of Marburg virus and the only
known reservoir for any filovirus.
Jonathan Towner, Ph.D., of the Viral Special Pathogens Branch at the Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), provided the bats from which the DNA was extracted.
Towner had traveled to Uganda to investigate the colony of Egyptian fruit bats implicated in a
Marburg fatality there.
"Using that DNA, we generated the most contiguous bat genome to date and used it to
understand the evolution of immune genes and gene families in bats. This is classical
comparative immunology and a good example of the link between basic and applied sciences,"
explained co-senior author Gustavo Palacios, Ph.D., who heads the Center for Genome Sciences
at the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID).
I tried hard to warn people 3-4 years ago and nobody would listen.
I tried to tell them their plans.
It is amazing that out of a population of 350,000,000 people 2 guys tipped out of the canoe and the daily mail covers the story on cause of death, it's Bad Venison!! Driving thru Nebraska and there's a steer standing on a manure pack 3 foot thick that ain't seen a blade of grass in last couple months, that beef is good to go.
This is more like two guys on opposite side of the USA getting hit in the head with meteorites on the same day after attending a seance. I don't think there's anything to a seance, but that's pretty weird.
Ya it's real. But so is brain worm EHD and many other viruses and diseases that critters die from. I can guarantee way more deer die from EHD than have ever died from CWD. Most deer die from EHD and deer can die with CWD(not always from). What has been done to curve that? Are you finding all these dead deer on winter ranges 🤔. The reason CWD is being found more lately is it is being tested for exponentially more than previous years.
Prevalence rates in areas that have been tested for over two decades have increased from a few percent to over 20%. Increased testing cannot increased the percent of positives.
Ya it's real. But so is brain worm EHD and many other viruses and diseases that critters die from. I can guarantee way more deer die from EHD than have ever died from CWD. Most deer die from EHD and deer can die with CWD(not always from). What has been done to curve that? Are you finding all these dead deer on winter ranges 🤔. The reason CWD is being found more lately is it is being tested for exponentially more than previous years.
We don’t have much EHD around us, the CWD hotspots are mostly irrigated ag ground and river bottom. A few dead on the winter range but those are pretty easy to chalk up to winter rather then CWD because the prevalence rate on mountain deer is much lower or non existent depending on area. It really isn’t hard to figure out what they are dying from. It’s not EHD, it’s not winterkill, it’s not poaching and wherever you can easily find dead deer happens to coincide with known hotspots where pretty much every buck tested over the age of 3.5 turns up positive.

EHD kills a lot of deer, seen it go thru whitetails in KS before and it’s ugly. But EHD also doesn’t live in the soil for years or have pretty much a 100% kill rate.
EHD kills a lot of deer, seen it go thru whitetails in KS before and it's ugly. But EHD also doesn't live in the soil for years or have pretty much a 100% kill rate.
It dose say online that CWD is 100% kill rate and EHD is 90%. Problem with those number in my book is it’s like the Covid(BS) numbers. Dying of Covid vs dying with Covid. Everything dies. Now did it die from a disease, or virus it was carrying or did it get shot, ran over, killed by a predator, starve to death from a mouth abscess, or anything else from its environment and just choked up to a virus that may have been found in its system🤔. It’s only numbers, but who makes up/counts those numbers? I’m not saying CWD isn’t a bad thing or that it doesn’t kill. I’m saying lots of things kill and some things are able to survive or build up an immunity. I want to see those numbers or that study vs just none stop CWD bad, run for the hills and don’t eat venison. I have personally seen hundreds if not thousands of deer dead from EHD and witness numerous times deer dying and dying very quickly from it. I have helped with research and collection from EHD deaths and the midge that causes it. It would be nice to find more reliable information on both CWD and EHD. All the deer that had CWD died with it not from it(2myknowledge) and all the deer that died with EHD died from it up here.
I had an uncle they loved squirrel brains and scrambled eggs. I would not touch it. It smelled bad to my ten year old nose. I'm A eggs over easy guy from that point. Never know what's in those scrambled eggs.🤔

My grandfather loved squirrel brains as well…..he wasn’t happy when I would headshoot the squirrels! 😁 memtb
I don't recall xsn10s stating that he got the "Clot Shot"! Just is cautious! JussSay'n! memtb
I did get the covid vaccination. I probably had covid well before there was a reliable test for it. I exhibited all the classic symptoms and had the reoccurring exhalation prior to the shot. And I had the fever shill symptom and runny nose like I never experienced before in my life well before the reliable tests.
I did get the covid vaccination. I probably had covid well before there was a reliable test for it. I exhibited all the classic symptoms and had the reoccurring exhalation prior to the shot. And I had the fever shill symptom and runny nose like I never experienced before in my life well before the reliable tests.

I'm glad that the shot didn't kill you…..yet!

My brother, whom had several health related issues, though none heart related…..took the shot under advice from his Dr.

Less than 24 hour after the first shot, he was in the ER with heart related symptoms which quickly passed. A week or so later got the booster. Within a few hours a neighbor was driving him to the ER. The small hospital put him in an ambulance to go to a regional hospital… route they "paddled" him twice. Within a couple hours he was in the OR getting a pace marker and other work (can't remember what) done! memtb
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I did get the covid vaccination. I probably had covid well before there was a reliable test for it. I exhibited all the classic symptoms and had the reoccurring exhalation prior to the shot. And I had the fever shill symptom and runny nose like I never experienced before in my life well before the reliable tests.
Reliable tests???? I haven't heard about those.
.when did they come out?..