Highly don't recommend

Hey, after a couple years of trying to get Army Dr’s to take my kids tonsils out, we finally found one that said yes. Oldest daughter said no way, think she was 13/14. Can’t force a kid that old, so she ended up having them out at 36. Amazing she admitted that she really should have listened to us!
Take Care
I did at 26 years old, thought I'd die for a while... o_O man it hurts! Good luck, With that said; later on, it was worth it. :cool: Cheers.
Hope I never have to deal with that!

I've had run of the mill strep throat once, waaaaaay different than your standard sore throat, that alone was MISERY!

Heck I’ve broken bones and had “real injury’s” that I didn’t find HALF as awful as that **** strep throat!
I also never had ear infections as a kid like so many do. Had my first one when I was 21 and good grief I found new compassion for the children that get those all the time. THEY SUCK!!!!
The invasiveness of the surgery and the body's rate of repair in those tissue types. It's a week long deal for kids eating Popsicles, for adults it's several weeks of misery.

Soft tissue isn't much fun either.

Have broken lots of bones, arms, femur, ribs etc... but the abdominal surgery leveled me like didn't seem possible. In a high use area like tonsils, seems extra miserable.