TTSX jump


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2014
Good morning guy's, I have an H&S precision rifle in 7mm rem mag that is behaving poorly with 160gr Partitions and h4831sc. I had acquired some 140gr Barnes TTSX to try with Rel22. Looking to get an idea on where to start with on bullet jump from the lands (I've never played with Barnes solids before) . It seems these like a healthy jump from what I've researched so far.
In several rifles I have found they prefer more jump than not. As mentioned start at .050" off lands and run a seating test deeper.

I have a 300 winmag that is loaded to 3.335" so they feed in the mag box. Didn't even bother to check how far off that is.

Run em deep and run em fast.
Excellent, thanks guys, this is my first 7mm also, we've been going to Utah on/off since 2002 for elk, I'm a .30 cal guy, been using the 300WM for years. I ran across this rifle and had to have it ( you all know how that is) my plan was the 160 partition. I was a little skeptical on the lighter 140 until I read some stuff out there, it seems like it has preformed well for others.
Just make sure they fit in your mag and cycle reliably. Anymore I usually start with the case mouth even with the first groove and see how they do. Most of them give me MOA or better right there.
Go buy a box of Vortex ammo. Shoot and see if your rifle likes that ammo. If it does, (BAM). Buy another box of the ammo, and now you hav a fine backup, so you can now tinker around with reloads.

I usually set my barns at 100 thou off.
But I had owned a HS Precision SPL Rifle in 7 mag years ago. I reloaded 150 Nosler BT Bullets. Groups at 1/4moa out to 500 yards. It shot best at 250 thou off the lands.

Best of luck
looks like
Just make sure they fit in your mag and cycle reliably. Anymore I usually start with the case mouth even with the first groove and see how they do. Most of them give me MOA or better right there.

looks like loaded to the first groove is going to put me at .140 off, good place to start.
Thanks for the info guys!
Also loading 150 TTSX at the first groove for MOA out of my tikka t3lite 30-06. No idea what that jump comes out to but it's pretty far.... .25 or so I'd guess. I'm sure the gun can do better if I played with it, but MOA is all I need for this round and those bullets aren't cheap.
Well sometimes it's nice to get lucky right out of the gate, 140gr TTSX, Rel22, worked up to max load (Barnes) all groups hovered at moa or less, and At 68.0gr Rel22 Nailed it. 3 shot average was 3311fps.


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They shot really well for me in my 7 mag as well. Not sure how far I was jumping them dont have my notes in front of me. I did have poor luck with them on deer. I always thought it would make a good elk bullet. Very dense bullet just blew through 150# whitetails without a lot of damage.
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