where is the lapua brass???


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2016
So I've been waiting a year to get some 338 Norma mag Lapua brass. It was announced that it be available last spring and still nothing.

Anyone know or hear anything about what's up with this?
This is what you could do:
1. Prepare to invest in all the components needed, including profitable excess.
2. Don't go down any shooting path until all the components needed for the life of that plan are in your possession.
3. Hold the excess until someone who didn't follow this plan is willing to cover your entire investment for it. After all, this is inevitable, as human reloaders do not plan...
Mike as always your sound advice is appreciated.

I do have a plan in place using particular components and I intend to buy enough to burn up the barrel. My plan and estimation is based off getting 2k rounds through the barrel which is most likely high by 500 rounds.

The frustrating part is waiting a year for components to become available and they still are not, especially when all the rifle components for my build are done except a reamer because I want it specd off the components I intend to use. I have been waiting/looking just as long for N570, luckily I do have several pounds of N570 so I'd have a start.

Anyway getting tired of waiting and that Peterson brass is looking better and better the longer I wait.
Is there another cartridge, which you can get Lapua brass for now, that covers the need as well? Maybe fill out the reamer print for a good wildcat. Pretty much make anything you want.
I'm good at finding things and I'll look when I can today.
I'm really stuck on doing the 338 Norma mag, I believe it is just a very well designed cartridge and the best fit to satisfy my "bigger" magnum want. If I where to do any wildcat it would be a 35 degree version of the Norma.

Also I already have dies for the 338 Norma, though not a big deal cus there's a good chance I'll get customs once I've fire formed some brass.

Yes 338 Norma mag brass from Lapua was announced to be available a year ago but still none is from what I've found and I'm just wondering what the deal is?
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