7mm Rem Mag Reloder 23 168VLD


Well-Known Member
Dec 12, 2012
I an thinking about trying 168vld and rl23 in a 24" Criterion barreled 7mm Rem Mag.

I've been researching for an hour with only a few results with no actual reviews.

Alliant gives max load at 65gr with 160gr bullet, and a just a few others.
I'm wondering if anyone has any real world experience with this combo, specifically load, pressure and accuracy results. ???????

Any feedback at all is appreciated.
113 views but no ideas or suggestions. I loaded up some to try soon.
To all who viewed (or curious), hopefully I'll have something good to report later on.:)
23, have several friends and relatives shooting the 168 VLD and all shoot tightest with H1000. A good friend says his groups have improved even more with IMR Enduron 7977. I bought some to try in new barreled .270 WBY mag since it didn't like H1000 or H4831SC.
23, have several friends and relatives shooting the 168 VLD and all shoot tightest with H1000. A good friend says his groups have improved even more with IMR Enduron 7977. I bought some to try in new barreled .270 WBY mag since it didn't like H1000 or H4831SC.

This barrel shoots H1000 just ok, not really consistent.

It really loves imr4350 but it is more of a target load, and temperature sensitive.

I bought some RL23 for my 6AI until I discovered RL26 just blew it out of the water in every way. Now I'm using it in my 270wsm also.
Now I have a few pounds to play with, so I figured I could use it in this 7mag.
From what I've seen RL23 is just slower than RL19 and a little faster than RL22.

I have a feeling in the future most of my rifes will be runnin on RL26 !!! I'd trade all the H1000 I have for RL26.
This barrel shoots H1000 just ok, not really consistent.

It really loves imr4350 but it is more of a target load, and temperature sensitive.

I bought some RL23 for my 6AI until I discovered RL26 just blew it out of the water in every way. Now I'm using it in my 270wsm also.
Now I have a few pounds to play with, so I figured I could use it in this 7mag.
From what I've seen RL23 is just slower than RL19 and a little faster than RL22.

I have a feeling in the future most of my rifes will be runnin on RL26 !!! I'd trade all the H1000 I have for RL26.
We show for the 7mm Rem Mag using our 168 VLD & RE-23:
Start = 60.0 gr . Max = 63.4 gr . Approximate Velocities = 2769 to 2905 FPS . APPROX Fill Ratio = 97%
These loads are based on a COAL of 3.290". Go to our website to the INFORMATION tab and in the drop down go to TECH TALK and read VLDs, Making them shoot for seating depth testing information. Do your seating depth testing at the lowest powder charge. Once your seating depth accuracy node is found. Work the load back up sloly checking for pressure signs and accuracy as you increase the powder charge.
Take care,
This barrel shoots H1000 just ok, not really consistent.

It really loves imr4350 but it is more of a target load, and temperature sensitive.

I bought some RL23 for my 6AI until I discovered RL26 just blew it out of the water in every way. Now I'm using it in my 270wsm also.
Now I have a few pounds to play with, so I figured I could use it in this 7mag.
From what I've seen RL23 is just slower than RL19 and a little faster than RL22.

I have a feeling in the future most of my rifes will be runnin on RL26 !!! I'd trade all the H1000 I have for RL26.
For RELOADER 26 for the 7mm Rem MAG and our 168 VLD:
START = 62.5 GR , MAX = 66.0 . Approximate velocities = 2834 to 2985 FPS. APPROX Fill Ratio = 92%
Load is based on the same 3.290" as in the last post. Use same Seating depth testing information and powder charge testing information also.
We show for the 7mm Rem Mag using our 168 VLD & RE-23:
Start = 60.0 gr . Max = 63.4 gr . Approximate Velocities = 2769 to 2905 FPS . APPROX Fill Ratio = 97%
These loads are based on a COAL of 3.290". Go to our website to the INFORMATION tab and in the drop down go to TECH TALK and read VLDs, Making them shoot for seating depth testing information. Do your seating depth testing at the lowest powder charge. Once your seating depth accuracy node is found. Work the load back up sloly checking for pressure signs and accuracy as you increase the powder charge.
Take care,
Will do. Thanks Phil
Finally got out to try this combo.
Not smoking fast but it shoots well.
My chrono got rained on so I'm not sure if the velocities are accurate.

I'm jumping these .058" ,no pressure signs.
Will verify this load soon.

This was shot from my hunting bag not a full benchrest at 225 yards.


  • 20160508_132905.jpg
    88.4 KB · Views: 555
Having problems uploading pics.

Yes I know. This is a Remington not a Savage.


  • 20160508_092553.jpg
    369.3 KB · Views: 416
23, is that a air pump barrel cooler in the pic? Where did you find the pump? I made one a few years ago from a Wally World air mattress pump.
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