VTbluegrass's latest activity

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    VTbluegrass replied to the thread Fixed power scopes.
    Loci? I had a bolt scout rifle set up in the past when I was mainly woods hunting in VA mountains. I never could get used to the set...
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    VTbluegrass replied to the thread Fixed power scopes.
    Yeah that’s kinda what I am seeing.
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    Starting to look for a potential scope options for my very not long long range 35Rem. If I can squirrel away a dollar in the next year...
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    VTbluegrass reacted to Rotten's post in the thread Suppressor Laws with Haha Haha.
    In the words of Jeff Dunham's Achmed. " SILENCE! I kill you over sprinkles"
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    VTbluegrass replied to the thread Suppressor Laws.
    Alright I will just say it. We ain’t getting machine guns removed; no way, no how. So why go down the rabbit hole? Absolutely positively...
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    VTbluegrass replied to the thread Suppressor Laws.
    No matter your stance on NFA constitutionality, machine guns are not the hill I want my argument to die on.
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    VTbluegrass reacted to Alpha Echo's post in the thread Suppressor Laws with Like Like.
    Take five minutes and contact your elected representatives and make yourselves heard. I did that already with my Congressman. Pick those...
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    VTbluegrass reacted to lyotehunter's post in the thread Suppressor Laws with Like Like.
    We need to tell our representatives to do away with the ATF and the unconstitutional laws
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    VTbluegrass replied to the thread Suppressor Laws.
    And that’s why solid arguments that don’t go down unnecessary rabbit holes should be used. The bill is to improve and protect human and...
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    VTbluegrass replied to the thread Suppressor Laws.
    Also that was after a high profile shooting leading into an election year and he is from New York so I don't expect him to be an...
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    VTbluegrass replied to the thread Suppressor Laws.
    Like I said The Hearing Protect Act is ready, it’s been through two readings in congress and all that it need is a sponsor to come back...
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    I know the processing time has dramatically improved for suppressors but I will still be contacting my representatives to see if the...