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Taj's latest activity

  • Taj
    I have seen plenty of "gunsmiths" make the extractor cut on a model 70 a straight (flat) cut, from the chamber mouth to the outside of...
  • Taj
    Extractor cut is needed because of the coned breach. Many later Mauser copies do not require the extractor cut because the breach face...
  • Taj
    Taj reacted to milestown's post in the thread Labeling a gun barrel with Like Like.
    Taj That looks Very Classy. A fine job. Hal
  • Taj
    Taj replied to the thread Labeling a gun barrel.
    We do all of our caliber markings on chrome-moly or SS .003 unless the customer specifies diff. If we do it on a Cerekoted gun it is...
  • Taj
    Taj reacted to Lenny Foffa's post in the thread Gunsmith to install banded front sight with Like Like.
    Taj, I own a German FN in 30 06. With a Heinzholt Scope. Tons of hand engraving on the receiver and floor plate and scope rings ...
  • Taj
    Taj replied to the thread Labeling a gun barrel.
    Thanks much.
  • Taj
    Taj replied to the thread Labeling a gun barrel.
    That's what is nice about the laser. We took cut off's of SS and chromemoly barrels and burned a large "swath" into so we could actually...
  • Taj
    Taj replied to the thread Labeling a gun barrel.
    Thank much. Trying to fit an outline of the the State of Idaho on an ax head so it's recognizable was "twicky" but looks kinda cool.
  • Taj
    Taj replied to the thread Labeling a gun barrel.
    Thanks very much.
  • Taj
    Taj replied to the thread Labeling a gun barrel.
    To the best of my knowledge there are none. I'll usually burn it about .002 to .003 deep. That way if they are going to Cerakote it , it...
  • Taj
    Taj replied to the thread Labeling a gun barrel.
    Here is the caliber marking for a .275 Rigby I'm building and an ax I just did for another customer.
    • Rigby caliber marking.jpg
    • engraved ax.jpg
  • Taj
    Taj replied to the thread Labeling a gun barrel.
    This is for serial numbers and manufacturer's marking requirements. This also the requirement when we do form 1 stuff. This does not...
  • Taj
    Taj reacted to cm1021's post in the thread Labeling a gun barrel with Like Like.
    The barrel/caliber being labeled isn't part of any ATF requirements. The only thing required for labeling is the actual serialized...
  • Taj
    Lenny, Thanks Pal I appreciate that. I've always loved English magazine rifles but they were always out of my budget. When I quit...
  • Taj
    I still carry strong side OSWB because that's always the way I've carried, both concealed and in my LE career. When I carry in bear...