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  • stx
    stx reacted to fruitnut's post in the thread Hammer bullets with Like Like.
    No need to wait. That will crush any deer. Recently there was a post here somewhere about a guy that flattened a brown bear with one...
  • stx
    stx reacted to fruitnut's post in the thread Hammer bullets with Like Like.
    Darn, what have you been feeding those buggers. But don't you think that when it comes to deer speed kills. A light for caliber Hammer...
  • stx
    stx reacted to bigngreen's post in the thread Hammer bullets with Like Like.
    I've shot quite a bit of both, I'll never shoot a Barnes again, not nearly as lethal as the Hammer nor do they track through the animal...
  • stx
    stx replied to the thread Hammer bullets.
    Yes, absolutely with monos speed kills….I always drop down in bullet weight with monos……I just loaded 122 Hammer Hunter HHTs in a 270...
  • stx
    stx reacted to hydehunter's post in the thread Hammer bullets with Like Like.
    shoot the 150 Power Hammer for all the animals you want, I have taken 12 animals in Africa and deer here and the work great and easy to load
  • stx
    stx reacted to Koda_'s post in the thread Hammer bullets with Like Like.
    "better" is always going to be subjective and based on the individuals needs and experience. To me they are both great performing...
  • stx
    stx replied to the thread Hammer bullets.
    Yea, you’re right!
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  • stx
    stx replied to the thread Hammer bullets.
    Theoritically! But I've used everything from Speer, Sierra, Barnes X, Nosler Partitions, etc in the old days to Berger VLDs, Hornady...
  • stx
    stx replied to the thread Hammer bullets.
    I’ll give up a little BC any day to the way Hammers perform on game!! Terminal performance is all I’m concerned with!
  • stx
    stx reacted to Koda_'s post in the thread Hammer bullets with Like Like.
    In my experience I think the secrete is starting out .020" off the lands, but when I first tried them many Hammer users were suggesting...
  • stx
    stx reacted to Koda_'s post in the thread Hammer bullets with Like Like.
    Did you play with seating depths? Many dont because Hammer suggests they are not sensitive to seating depth but ive found they can be...
  • stx
    stx replied to the thread Hammer bullets.
    Correct! I start at .020 off as Steve suggests and have only had to tweak seating depth on 2 rifles to get .050"+/- groups…..and one...
  • stx
    stx reacted to Wy Will's post in the thread Hammer bullets with Like Like.
    The Berger 245 also requires a faster twist than a 1:10. Does this mean that you refuse to use any Berger bullets? Hammer certainly...
  • stx
    stx replied to the thread Hammer bullets.
    Absolutely! You took the words right out of my mouth! I’m loading 11 rifles with Hammers right now…..fixing to develop load for...
  • stx
    stx reacted to JakeC's post in the thread Hammer bullets with Like Like.
    It seems like you might be missing some basic information. The length of the bullet (not the weight) and the RPM are what determine...