Mike Matteson

I was born in S. Calif. Started shooting at age 5. Started hunting at age 10. Started reloading at age 14, (300 H & H Mag) and have been from then on. I did miss a couple of years after getting out of the army. Spent 1 yr in Vietnam as a combat medic. I hold Airborne Jump wings, Crewmember flight wings, and a combat medic badge. I ETS in Feb 1970 and joined the NRA in April or May same year. Then became life member in 1975. I increase my level in the NRA over the years. Put my two boys in the NRA as life memebers. In 2017 I am now a Patriot Life Member Benefactor Level. Upgraded to Golden Eagle presently.
Work constrution before and after the Army. I did spend time as a realestate salemen for about 6 years, until the market went dead. Went back onto the Union as a carpenter, and retired from there in 2008. I am married to the same women from 1972.
I am involved with 3 business, and holder of rental units.
Firearms I have several of them. I have one wildcat and starting another one. I am not a gunsmith. Took my boys hunting, and how to reload, and presently just did a major upgrade in reloading equipment. Still working on my Reload Shack. Never ending story.😂 New building, and figuring out just how to set up onces or correctly.🤣
I am between two worlds. Montana, and (Mexico-North) aka Calif. So my reloading equipment is mostly in storage presently. I have mostly finish the reloading shack. Place on of my sons property here in Montana.
I reload for rifles, pistols, and shotguns. I have learned a lot here at LRH or added to my skills. Been to Africa twices. That's the only guide hunts. I have done some drop camp, and backpack hunting. In for 10 days to 14 days
Hunted in AZ, Cal, Nev, Utah, Idaho, Montana, and Colo. and Wy
I figure myself as a constitutionalism, not left nor right. I am dyslexia so my writting is generally mess up. Sorry about that, but that's life. I was a hunter safty instructor in Mexico-North for a couple of years. I taught rifle and shotgun merit badges in the Boy Scouts, and Scout Master for 5 years. 8 yrs on a volunteer fire department. Left as senior captain. They went paid, and my services for the town as no-paid. I also put about 30 yrs on a Board of Directors (Matual, and County Water District. That about sums it up.
I have over the last year or so. I have done a reloading log on steps I feel need feel needed to pay attention too. It's about 35 page long with quotes from others and soley noted.
My email address hasn't change in a great many years. I thinks that enough.
February 6
Real Name
M A Matteson

