Recent content by Lindsey

  1. Lindsey

    Opinions on Repeating a good Load , ES, SD , Velocity, Grouping

    Actually feeling a little better hearing that I am not alone in this. The day I came home with the good grouping plus low SD made my day. The day I repeated it, brought me down. I did clean my guns between the testing and only fired 2 fouling warm up barrel shots SO....I am crossing my fingers...
  2. Lindsey

    Opinions on Repeating a good Load , ES, SD , Velocity, Grouping

    I am shooting 4 shots for testing.
  3. Lindsey

    Opinions on Repeating a good Load , ES, SD , Velocity, Grouping

    The 7mm Rem Mag has more than 200 rounds. The .260 Has around 220 rounds through it. I know the chronograph is a cheaper one (which I was I was so excited for Lab Radar... until nobody can get it to work! Online looks so easy. Looks like I need to keep working at it)
  4. Lindsey

    Opinions on Repeating a good Load , ES, SD , Velocity, Grouping

    ProChrono Digital . Placed at Same distance and leveled. Temps are less than 5 degrees apart. I have lab radar. Looks easy to use. Have been out with couple different people and haven't been able to get that to work.
  5. Lindsey

    Opinions on Repeating a good Load , ES, SD , Velocity, Grouping

    That could makes sense on the loads from last year if it is single based. How do I know if RL16 is single or double?. RL-26 is what I recently shot and all shots were from the original bottle just purchased. And I'm sure many will say then the error is the shooter but I am doing the best I can...
  6. Lindsey

    Opinions on Repeating a good Load , ES, SD , Velocity, Grouping

    This has happened a few times. Find a good load one year, go back the next and it isn't a great load anymore. BUT the loads I am working on now both in .260 and 7mm Rem Mag I got Great groupings with Low ES ....4 days ago. I load the exact same loads so I am shooting in the same location with...
  7. Lindsey

    RL26 in 260rem

    I have developed a load using RL-26 and 130 Grain Sierra Gamechanger in my Tikka .260. Here is the group at 200 yards. Happy with SD also. My main reason for the RL26 was for my 7mm Rem Mag and I also developed a load that has very low SD but figured wouldn't hurt to try in the .260 and am happy...