ka30270's latest activity

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    ka30270 reacted to tribb's post in the thread All my guns with Like Like.
    The Bible says "to be still and listen" this is what I believe we should do so we can hear what God tells us!
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    ka30270 reacted to tribb's post in the thread All my guns with Like Like.
    A very good explanation here of why we should not allow our "idols" to take away our time that we should be spending with with God. I...
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    ka30270 reacted to ajvinyard's post in the thread All my guns with Like Like.
    Well said! And you are willing to recognize and take action too! We are a nation full of people that are completely unaware of what...
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    ka30270 reacted to french77's post in the thread All my guns with Like Like.
    @Timnterra Amen! This is the best explanation anyone could possibly give!
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    ka30270 reacted to Timnterra's post in the thread All my guns with Love Love.
    A relationship is not just something between two individuals who choose communicate and interact with each other. A relationship exists...
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    ka30270 reacted to rvannoy's post in the thread All my guns with Love Love.
    Hope this helps... What the Lord requires of one may not be required of all...for Example, God told Abraham to take his son up on Mt...
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    ka30270 reacted to nakneker's post in the thread All my guns with Like Like.
    Much respect to you Tim or anyone else who follows the prompting they receive! In my own life I’ve felt like I’ve needed to prepare for...
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    ka30270 reacted to Mrvmax's post in the thread All my guns with Like Like.
    The underlying biblical principle has been stated already. Anything can become and idol, when it does that takes the place of God and it...
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    ka30270 reacted to kfreeze's post in the thread All my guns with Like Like.
    Or maybe we could trust his own judgement and give him a fair price for his stuff and then again trust his judgement to give the money...
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    ka30270 reacted to std7mag's post in the thread Hammer HHT vs Absolute with Like Like.
    That's why I use MOA reticles in my scopes. MOA/MIL is always MOA/MIL.
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    I have zero issues hunting with ABLR bullets because I do not shoot groups on animals…never will. All I care about is the first shot...
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    ka30270 reacted to RockyMtnMT's post in the thread All my guns with Like Like.
    Hats off to you. Keep the least valuable one so you can still go enjoy God's gift of hunting.