FlGunner's latest activity

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    FlGunner reacted to Victor3Ranger1's post in the thread Blood Dogs with Like Like.
    I do love the blackmouth curs 👍
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    FlGunner reacted to HandgunHTR's post in the thread Blood Dogs with Like Like.
    The states that I hunt that do allow tracking wounded game with dogs all require that they be tethered. I use a 30' check cord for my...
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    FlGunner replied to the thread Blood Dogs.
    Heck yeah! The key is to keep putting them on tracks. Even the ones that are known dead deer. The more tracks the better. I’ve also...
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    FlGunner reacted to VinceMule's post in the thread Reloading tss T and #4 buck loads with Like Like.
    grease up the front of the hull prior to using the roll crimp, slick results(vasoline). You will have to play with the speeds on a...
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    My order of #4 buck and T size TSS should be here Thursday. Hopefully I can roll a few up Thursday night and pattern Friday. Sunday is...
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    FlGunner replied to the thread Colorado lion.
    We don’t have any of them down here in north Florida…. Well actually we might…we got some implants. But the Florida Panther is...
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    FlGunner reacted to Ol' Red's post in the thread Colorado lion with Like Like.
    What I had tasted like pork. Lightly salted and peppered, granulated garlic sprinkled on and cooked in olive oil. Don't overcook it or...
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    FlGunner reacted to HRM Johnny's post in the thread Colorado lion with Like Like.
    🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 well done. Excellent job sir.
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    FlGunner replied to the thread Colorado lion.
    What does a mountain lion taste like? Can’t say I’ve knowing eaten a cat…. Maybe some mystery chicken on a stick at a couple Chinese...
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    FlGunner replied to the thread Blood Dogs.
    Off lead is the only way I track. I can track my curs on lead but they’re much more efficient off. The scent cone varies depending on...
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    FlGunner reacted to cajun's post in the thread 6.5 creedmoor blood trail with Like Like.
    Once bullet leaves the case the head stamp doesn’t matter. Try some 143 eldx or 140 eldm.
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    FlGunner reacted to Mike D Texas's post in the thread 6.5 creedmoor blood trail with Like Like.
    I find that smaller CALIBERS result in quicker and more dramatic kills when using heavier target style bullets. There is NO need to use...
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    FlGunner reacted to HRM Johnny's post in the thread 6.5 creedmoor blood trail with Like Like.
    Also, many moons ago, Winchester had a great expanding bullet. I think they were called silver tips. Does anyone remember if that is right?
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    FlGunner reacted to HRM Johnny's post in the thread 6.5 creedmoor blood trail with Like Like.
    I agree with all of the people who have said high shoulder shot.
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    FlGunner replied to the thread 6.5 creedmoor blood trail.
    Shot placement. I’ve seen quite a few shot with a 6.5 Creedmoor and never a problem of finding the deer (most died close to where they...