Alibiiv's latest activity

  • Alibiiv
    Alibiiv reacted to 338weatherby's post in the thread Buying on this forum with Like Like.
    Your impatience and pushy posts don't help. I get it you want this upper, but man, take a chill pill. My guess is the Vtac upper will...
  • Alibiiv
    Alibiiv reacted to 340 in Va's post in the thread Buying on this forum with Haha Haha.
    Let's skip the Starbucks
  • Alibiiv
    Alibiiv reacted to 338weatherby's post in the thread AR15 zero with Like Like.
    Maybe I'll buy and throw it on my Sig! :D
  • Alibiiv
    Alibiiv reacted to birddog 68's post in the thread AR15 zero with Haha Haha.
    May make the post amount but it’s still going to be 25 or 30 days. It would be a shame if it got sold before then. Why do some think...
  • Alibiiv
    Alibiiv reacted to Teri Anne's post in the thread Dad’s Old Stuff with Like Like.
    The handloads shown here using the Nosler Partition bullets approximate the Military Lake City National Match loads with a hunting...
  • Alibiiv
    Alibiiv reacted to Brathany's post in the thread AR15 zero with Like Like.
    The OP really doesn't care. He's trying to buy a Sig slide and won't listen to anyone on how to become a member and buy it. So, he...
  • Alibiiv
    Alibiiv replied to the thread AR15 zero.
    I agree with you 100%!!! See my reply on his thread "How does one buy on here?" Joined yesterday???? I don't know but this just doesn't...
  • Alibiiv
    Alibiiv reacted to Sergeant Stadanko's post in the thread AR15 zero with Like Like.
    ^^^^^^^This! 👍
  • Alibiiv
    Alibiiv reacted to sable tireur's post in the thread AR15 zero with Like Like.
    It's going to depend on what you're using the rifle for and then the twist rate followed by the bullet choice designed for the twist. :)
  • Alibiiv
    Alibiiv reacted to DavidA's post in the thread AR15 zero with Like Like.
    It then zeros again at 215 yds and 2” low at 245 yds. So you are within 2” point of impact versus scope 10 yds through 245 yds
  • Alibiiv
    Alibiiv replied to the thread Buying on this forum.
    I noticed that as of this post, you joined "yesterday"! All of the information, help and life experience one would ever want or need...
  • Alibiiv
    Alibiiv reacted to FEENIX's post in the thread Buying on this forum with Like Like.
    You asked if there was another way to buy. I provided it, but you have to make your own choice.
  • Alibiiv
    Alibiiv reacted to 7mm man's post in the thread Buying on this forum with Like Like.
    I like the policy and we all went through it. Biggest issue right now is scammers though.
  • Alibiiv
    Alibiiv reacted to Sid Post's post in the thread Buying on this forum with Like Like.
    Thank scammers for rules like this. It also stops "drive bys" from getting a good deal and gives 'real members' a chance to buy...
  • Alibiiv
    Alibiiv reacted to Recon$$'s post in the thread Buying on this forum with Like Like.
    Believe you need 30 days as member plus the 10 posts, so you don't need to start 10 threads. Can skip the waiting period if you want...